Sunday Morning...Rain IS Falling

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Sunday morning came around quickly, but it stayed slowly.  I woke up in Luca's arms.  The night felt restless.  I barely slept.  I would fall asleep for about 40 minutes then wake up and fall asleep for an hour and wake up then fall asleep for 20 minutes and wake up.  It was like this all night. 

I just kept thinking that I hope I didn't keep Luca awake.  

He kissed me on my forehead and I just laid there for a while.  He held me tightly, and I loved it.  I had gone from having the worst night of my life to having an incredible moment in the morning. I had just told Luca I loved him, and then he told me that he felt the same way.  I had never felt this feeling before, but it was amazing.

I never wanted to leave his arms.  It was safe, warm, and perfect.  We stayed like this silent for a while, then he finally broke the silence and asked 

"How are you feeling this morning?" 

Ugh and now the morning was awkward.

"I'm fine." I said getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

Luca followed me, and came and wrapped his arms up around me from behind.  Then he kissed my cheek softly.  "You are beautiful Nani"

I blushed.  

After I finished getting ready we walked downstairs.  I still avoided that question he asked me earlier on that morning whether I was okay.  Because to be completely honest I wasn't really ready to talk about what happened yet.  

As we got downstairs Luca started making me some breakfast.  I sat down at the kitchen table and put my hands down on the table.  That's when I noticed the really dark looking bruise that had formed on my wrist.  Was this from Dallas?  I was examining it when Luca turned around.  I quickly threw my arms under the table in hopes that Luca wouldn't notice.  But in doing so I banged it on the table.  "Ouch" I said. 

Luca looked over at me.  I was a little bit red in the face.  I really didn't want him asking about the bruise, and I didn't want to talk about last night.  I mean I know I owed a lot to him for last night, but I just wasn't ready for it yet.  

My wrist was really starting to hurt.  I knew Luca would see it eventually.  

He finished making us some pancakes and topped it off with some whipped cream.  Then he took a little bit onto his finger and put it on my nose.  It was cute and corny, and I loved it.  I loved him for this.  

He set the plate down in front of me with a fork.  In that short amount of time he made pancakes, a fruit bowl, bacon, and coffee.  He really was a great guy, and I was really lucky.

The food was absolutely amazing.  I devoured it in seconds.  

"Okay so obviously breakfast food is your thing.  Good to note". He said as we both laughed. Two days in a row now Luca and I had breakfast together.  Was this what dating felt like?

"I think I could get used to this dating thing." I said and kissed him on the cheek as I went to get up and go get some more coffee.  My wrist was really starting to hurt, and I could feel it more and more as I poured the coffee into my cup.  It was really bruised up now, and it had only been the first day of having it technically.  I know that's not how bruises work, so I became a little bit concerned.  I'll just have Mom look at it when she gets off her shift tonight.

I sat back down and we finished our meal.  "Thank you Luca.  That was delicious!"

He smiled.  Something was wrong because he kept looking at me a little funny.  I hope he hadn't noticed my wrist.  I smiled back at him, then started to pick up our plates.  However, this probably wasn't the best idea because right when I picked up the plates and put them in the same hand I felt my wrist snap from under me.  

That's when the waterworks started coming.  

I cried from the pain in my wrist.  I cried from the pain from last night.

I just cried.  

Luca rushed over to me and took my wrist carefully.  It was swollen and bruised badly.  You could tell it was broken just by looking at it.  We walked over to the table and he set my wrist down carefully.  Then Luca raced over to the freezer to get an ice pack.  I was still crying a ton.  I was a big cry baby, especially when it came to pain.  Any kind of pain...physical...or emotional.

"Hey darling.   It will be okay." He said putting the ice pack down on my wrist.  "We will get this taken care of.  I'll take you to the hospital.  Just let me get this cleaned up first."

"I'm so sorry Luca". I said crying.   "I ruined our night and now our morning together"

Luca kissed my cheek and said "You didn't ruin anything darling.  The girl who I've been crazy about since the day I saw her told me she loved me." He smiled at me, "I think that makes all of this pretty great."

A little smile broke through my tears.  Luca finished cleaning up the mess I had made.

When Luca came back over to me he kissed me on the cheek and said "And when you're ready to talk about what happened last night I am here for you."  He held me tightly.  "But let's get this wrist checked out first."

He helped me up from the table and into his car.


The drive to the hospital seemed like it took forever, but maybe it was just because my wrist was in so much pain.

"Luca you don't have to do this". I said nicely when we pulled up to a stoplight, despite the pain I was feeling.

"Yes I do.  You're my girl, therefore I will take care of you."  He kept driving when the light turned green.

We pulled into the emergency room and Luca, being the gentleman that he is, came around the car and opened the door for me.  Then he helped me out of the carl and we walked inside.

We sat down in the waiting room and he helped me fill out paperwork. 

Then finally after waiting for 20 minutes a nurse walked out and called my name.

The only thing is the nurse that walked out wasn't just any nurse... was my mom.

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