LITerally Saved

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I slowly walked down the hallway because even though I enjoyed Mr. Kinley's class it was still school. And let's be honest who likes high school? Especially as a senior! But I eventually got there. When I opened the door Mr. Kinley was talking about Streetcar again. We were getting close to the end of the book.
"Hey Blanche!" I heard yelled over at me when I walked in from the other side of the room. Then lots of laughs followed from the peanut gallery.
I just ignored it...for now.

Mr. Kinley's lectures typically interested me so I paid attention.
"So this chapter truly exploited what Blanche's feelings were. Nani, why don't you elaborate on this topic a little bit for us?" Mr. Kinley asked me.

I heard giggles again on the other side of the room, but Mr. Kinley shushed them immediately. I looked at them, then turned back to Mr. Kinley to answer his question. "Well we are shown that she is afraid of the light because it reminds her of her horrible past where she found her husband cheating on her with another man. So now she...well...she sort of whores around with younger men because they compliment her beauty and make her feel better about herself."
I heard the giggles again. "Okay what the hell do you want?!" I yelled at the kids sitting over on the other side. I glared at them.
"Nani?" Mr. Kinley asked trying to get my attention away from them.
"I asked a question to the peanut gallery over there!" I said pointing at the idiotic kids who were laughing once again.
Finally one kid spoke up and said "Kind of like your now not so long lost daddy right?" Lost of laughter came.

What? I sat there confused for a few seconds then I popped out of my chair and walked over there.
"Who had the big balls to say that?" I said glaring at the group. "Well I'm waiting??"
Then finally the same voice spoke up and said "Me. Sweetheart." He said winking.
I couldn't believe my eyes honestly when I saw where the voice was coming from. I knew it sounded familiar but I didn't put 2 and 2 together.

I sat there in awe....and it wasn't good. Then I looked down at my wrist.
Before I looked back up I heard "Oh sweetheart I'm sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen in our little night of fun?"

"Little night of fun?!" I yelled at him.

The laughs came back about.

Then I rushed towards him. I started hitting him but it didn't once phase him.

"Fuck you Dallas!" I started crying, but not breaking from hitting him. Finally I got a good hit on his nose and he started bleeding.

"You bitch!" He yelled out as blood ran from his nose.

Mr. Kinley had raced over at this point and broken through the crowd of kids that had circled around us. He then pulled me back of Dallas. He took me outside the room. There was an administrator waiting for me outside the room. I guess that's what had taken Mr. Kinley so long to get me; he was calling them. The admin was standing there with there with their arms crossed and a stern face. "It's not for her. Nani wait here." Mr. Kinley said.
Mr. Kinley walked back inside the room and dragged Dallas out of the room. "It's for him." Mr. Kinley said handing the admin Dallas. The admin looked confused and asked "How did he get this bloody nose?"

"From her!!!" Dallas shouted"

The admin looked at Mr. Kinley with a strange face.
Mr. Kinley responded. "I'll take care of her." Then looked down at me.

The admin walked off with Dallas and Mr. Kinley put his hand on shoulder. "Nani. First off, are you okay?" I just nodded my head because physically I was, but I knew I wasn't on the inside.
"Secondly, Nani that's not a way you should be acting. I know that you were frustrated but just leave the room. You know you could have done that and I would have understood." I nodded again. "See now Nani I have to give you detention and call your mother."
I nodded once more.
"I'm sorry Nani. But it's school policy."
I nodded one last time.
"But I will excuse you for the rest of this class. Go calm down. And then next class periods you need to relax and just focus on the lessons." He finished.
"Thank you Mr. Kinley." He hugged me.


I walked around for a few minutes trying to calm down when I finally decided to stop for some water. I was slowly taking little sips and every once and a while splashing a little bit of water on my face trying to calm myself down when I felt two hands on either sides of my hips. I turned around so quickly and nervously. I looked like I was ready to fight someone again.
"Hey there karate kid. What's going on with you today?" It was Luca. "I heard about your little boxing match in Lit today" he laughed.
"Luca it's not funny...."
"Okay I'm sorry. I know that's a touchy topic so I apologize." He held his arms out for me. "Come here darling." Then he hugged me tightly, and softly kissed my forehead after looking around to make sure there was no one watching.
We both slowly pulled away after a little bit.
"Thank you Luca"
"Of course. I'll see you after school for tutoring" he winked
"Well actually I have detention with Mr. Kinley."
Luca glared at me. Then he sighed and said "fine. I'll wait for you. I have to grade quizzes anyways."
"Luca you don't-"
Then he interrupted me with a kiss.
I giggled and said "okay. I'll see you then."
Then he said sarcastically "don't get in anymore fights today please"
I rolled my eyes because I knew it drove him crazy. Then turned around and walked away.


The bell finally rang and I saw the looks people were giving me. I hadn't looked, but I'm sure my little outburst was all over people's snap stories, twitter feeds, insta stories, and probably some random person's Facebook live. I just continued with my day.  Because of this little outburst I managed to miss my picture day. Ugh. Now I have to go on retake day.
Good news is that it got me out of turning in the summer reading assignment.

The day kind of drug on but finally it was time for detention with Mr. Kinley.
I started to walk towards his class when I passed Dallas. He glared at me. "I'm getting suspended. Thanks bitch" he said to me. Then following him was his mother who hit the back of his head and made him keep walking.

I chuckled to myself. But I guess it wasn't all that quiet because behind me I heard, "What's so funny Nani?"

It was Mr. Kinley.

"You're lucky you're not in his situation."
I nodded.
"Let's go. In the classroom." He opened the door for me. And I walked in.

Ugh. Let's just get this over with.

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