The Car Ride Home

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"You didn't have to do this.  It's probably out of the way and I don't want to be a problem." I said to Mr. Knight as we walked to the car.  

"Which one is yours?" He asked completely ignoring my statement.

"Oh the black BMW 430 over there" I said pointing to my car. 

"Interesting you say that because in your extra homework assignment you wrote about how you don't have a car and that you missed the bus.  I'll let it slide this time Miss Collins, but don't lie to me again. Or I will give you a more severe consequence".  That word severe really stuck out with me when he said that.  What did he mean?  Detention or something more?

He opened the car door for me like a gentleman and then got in the car and started driving me home.  I gave him directions on where to go.  "So is anyone home currently that can take care of you while you are feeling this way?" He asked me.

"No my mom is at work always and who knows where my older brother is.  Probably staying at some girl's house."  

"Well what time will they be home?"  He asked seeming concerned.  

"Oh well Mom is on call for tonight and Cam, my older brother, probably won't be home for a while.  And if he does come home he won't be sober enough to care for someone."  

He looked over at me with a very concerned look on his face.  "Well I have gotten a sub for the rest of the day so I will stay with you then"

I looked over at him and gave him a soft smile in attempt to hide my blushing.  I couldn't believe Mr. Knight was going to be coming over into my house.

The rest of the drive was quick, and we arrived at my house.  I opened the side door and we walked in.  Mr. Knight asked me if I needed water.  "Shouldn't I be asking you those questions?  I'm the hostess here". 

"Yes but you fainted.  I'm taking care of you.  Now where do you keep water bottles?"  I pointed over to the fridge and he went and grabbed me one.  Then we walked over to the couch and sat down.  "You need to drink this and then another.  You were probably dehydrated"  He said to me.  'Yea that's what is was' I thought to myself.  I sipped down the water bottle.  Mr. Knight looked over at me and smirked.  Then he quickly wiped it off his face and just smiled at me.  I laughed.  

"Miss Collins-"  I cut him off, "You can call me Nani" 

"Okay Nani, what seems to be so funny?"

"What? Oh it's just that you smirked then stopped and it's just funny because no guy ever finds me attractive, and I thought for a second there that you did, and I've never had a boyfriend or even my first kiss, and I definitely haven't had sex, and oh my god I am rambling...and I'm going to stop now."

Mr. Knight laughed.  

"Well what's so funny to you now!?" I said somewhat angrily.

"Calm down darling.  I find you very cute."  He said smiling at me.  "So not even your first kiss huh?" He said looking at my lips.

"No sir."  

"What did I say about using that name?"  He said frustrated.  I backed away from him on the couch a little out of nervousness.  "Don't back away.  I'm sorry"  He leaned into me a little bit.  I gulped and my face turned a peach color again.  He bit his lip, with his face just inches away from mine.  That feeling I had to kiss rose about again.  It was so tempting.  His lips looked so soft.  SO kissable.  SO badly I wanted to push my lips against his.  In that moment I wasn't thinking and blurted out, "Kiss me!"  

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