Finally Friday

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This had to have been the longest first we-...scratch that...longest week ever.  I had been through so much and I hadn't even taken my senior pictures yet.  Crap that reminded me, pictures were on Monday.  I needed to go shopping for a new top this weekend.  I think I was going to go for something classic, but appealing.  I was thinking a cute blouse, or maybe a sweet sundress.  I didn't want to seem like I looked young, but I also didn't want to look like I was some whore who just wanted attention.  This was just the least of my problems as my day began!

I turned over to get out of bed and realized Luca had already left.  I hope he hadn't been scared off by something that I done.  I'm overthinking.  He probably had schoolwork to go get ready for. Plus he had to get ready for Formal Friday on his own.

Formal Friday was like a ritual at our school.  Every Friday everyone dressed nicely.  Everyone did Formal Friday. The guys. The girls. The teachers.  The guys wore a button down with slacks and typically a bow tie.  The girls either wore a skirt and blouse, a dress, or a romper.  And the teachers typically wore a suit if they were male or a nice dress if they were female.  

I threw on a dress because of this occasion.  Even though I wasn't popular I still wanted to fit in...When I say everyone participated, I mean everyone.  I wasn't going to be the one kid left out.    

The dress I slipped on was gold and black, with a floral print on my chest.  It made me look much older than I was, in hopes Luca wouldn't think of me as some little girl.  

I wanted him to notice me.  

I rushed into the bathroom after peeping at my clock because I knew I only had a short amount of time left before I had to leave to get to school on time.  I put on makeup and curled my hair slightly.  Then I tied it back in a half ponytail.  I looked at myself in the mirror and was pleased.  

I walked out of the bathroom confident with myself, but then my eyes gazed over the clock on my nightstand.  CRAP!  I only had 15 minutes until the first bell was going to ring, and it takes me 13 to get to school.  I slipped on a cute pair of heels, because I'm not the tallest of people so wearing heels to school on Formal Friday was acceptable, and ran downstairs, grabbed my cup of coffee, and raced out to my car.  There was no one home when I left.  Mom worked all night and only God knows where Cam is.  

I sped to school and swerved into a parking spot outside the building my first class was in.  I'm so surprised I didn't get a ticket on my way here because I had to have been going 15 miles per hour over the speed limit.  I raced into school.  For those of you who know how hard running in heels is on a wet,  rainy morning, you could understand my struggle.  I got into school a little damp, and on top of that my hair was a mess.  Part of it had fallen out of the little ponytail I had thrown together this morning.  

The second bell rang just before I walked into Mr. Knight's class.  Ugh... I looked at him helpless and wet from the rain.  

"Come in Miss Collins.  We will talk about your tardiness after class.  Sit down". He said sternly with me.

Was he mad at me?  Did I do something wrong?  I mean besides the fact that I was late.

He started class.

He continued teaching and started asking us to answer questions on the board.

I hadn't payed attention all that much up until Mr. Knight called my name.  "Nani?  Did you hear me?"

"I uh...yea I just needed to think about it for a second". I walked up to the board at the front of the classroom and stood there staring at the problem that he wrote on the board.

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