Chapter 4

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Sami POV

School was finally over, and I was kind of glad. I mean, I like school, I like my classes, and I like my new friends, but the teachers, let's not talk about them for a while.

Nathan and I walked home, along with Ariana. We found out that her house was on the way to our house. So I thought, why not go along with her? Ariana is a really interesting person, and I'm really glad I met her. I said that already, didn't I? I did.

"So, how did you like your first day of school?" She asked me.

"Do you know how many times you asked me that question in so many variations?" She looked embarrassed.


"No, it's okay. It's nice to know that you actually care." I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"I do care. Not because I want to be nice, but because you're a friend. And I care about my friends greatly." I placed a hand on my heart.

"That touched me in the feels. Thanks for making my day a lot better." She giggled at my reaction.

"So, Nathan? How about you? Had a nice day at school?" She asked.

"Just saying, you sound like my Mom. But yeah. It was good. But the teachers were kind of annoying. PE teacher was really cool though." He replied.

"That's something that I get from a lot of people. I'm not surprised."


There was nothing else to say. There was an awkward silence in between us three. I took my phone out, to see that I got a text from a really old friend, Sarah. The only one that I had in elementary school. She was my best friend.

Sarbearlol>> Happy Birthday! She texted me

>> Thank you so much! I thought You forgot... I texted back to her.

Sarbearlol>> How could I ever forget my best friend's birthday?

>> Thank you, once again. Didn't school start for you?

Sarbearlol>> Yeah. Today was my first day of school. Really tiring. You?

>> Same. I met a lot of cool people. But don't worry. You're by my side too.

Sarbearlol>> Thanks. Look, I really have to go. As much as I want to talk, my Mom's calling. Can't keep her waiting. ;)

>> Yeah. Bye.

I told her all my problems when I was in my first two years in high school. She supported me through everything. She gave me ideas. Sure, some of them failed, but they were worth it. In all the darkness that surrounded me once, lit up a little. And I followed that light. And Ariana seemed like that. She made me feel better.

"Sami! Nathan!" I heard a little boy's voice. I looked towards the school to see that Noah was running towards us.

I kneeled down, and I held my arms out, which he gladly ran into. I kissed his cheek, and I ruffled his hair. He giggled at that action.

"How was school?" I asked him.

"Great. I made new friends."

"Nice. Nathan and I did too."

"Nathan!" He jumped out of my arms, and he hugged his thigh.

"Hey, big guy. How was school today?" He picked him up, and ruffled his hair.

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