Chapter 27

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Three weeks later

Cole POV

The past three weeks went by like a person trying to ignite flames with a boulder and a damp block of wood. I was like the damp block of wood; the one who just can't do anything. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't pay attention in class, and I couldn't think at all. Everyone else around were like the sparks from the boulder; they tried so hard to make me happy, or even make me give a small smile, but I didn't do anything, I just stayed like that.

Though three weeks have passed and it feels like an eternity, Sami still hasn't woken up from her coma. I longed for her to wake up, and smile at me, telling me how much she loves me. I longed to feel her kiss me back and I wished to hold her in my arms, having her stay with me forever.

There wasn't a moment where I couldn't stop thinking about Sami. She was my life, my universe, my everything. Seeing her in that condition makes me cry, all the time. I thought about her health and her injuries all the time. My arm has been feeling better than it was before, but my heart still ached for her, so bad. Whenever I go to the hospital to go visit Sami, I couldn't do anything other than just talk to her, thinking that she is awake.

I feel weaker than I felt before. Before, I didn't know that she is my strength. And when I had her by my side, I could almost do anything. But without her by my side, I couldn't do anything anymore. I had to skip a couple days of school because I didn't have a proper sleep, and I also had become a lot skinnier than I was three weeks ago.

Some of the muscle I had before disappeared, and there was a permanent frown on my face. The only time I would smile, is when I forced myself to whenever I go to the hospital to visit Sami. But that was a forced smile, not a real one. I don't think I could give a real smile unless I see her awake.

"Cole, school's over." I heard a voice interrupt my thoughts. I realized that I was staring at a pen that I had borrowed from Sami a while back, but I never returned it to her.

"Ari, just let me stay here." I replied, not daring to look up at my sister.

"Cole, the teachers won't let you. Plus, didn't you say that you would go to the hospital like you normally would?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head, slowly getting out of the classroom to go to one of my other cars, which was in good condition (since my Black Mercedes got damaged in the accident).

I chose to drop Ariana at home first, since it is on the route to the hospital. As soon as I parked my car, I walked in, to see the same receptionist at the counter since the past few days. I walked up to the counter, and I was about to ask her for a pass, but she cut me off.

"You are here to meet Samantha Connor, right?" She asked me.

"Yes, I am." I replied.

"Everyday when I just go around to stretch my legs, I see you with her. You must really love her, right?" I nodded my head.

"More than anything in the world."

"I know how you feel, seeing her in that situation everyday. I lost my boyfriend in an accident. I loved him so much, but I was never able to visit him in the hospital, in his critical condition. I was never by his side, and he passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." I can't imagine what would happen to me if Sami died.

"No, don't be. I'm glad you're not doing the mistake that I did a couple years ago. She's very lucky to have someone like you with her." I smiled at her comment.

"Yeah, she is lucky to have me. And I'm even luckier to have her."

"Well, here's your pass." She handed me the pass. "You could go and meet her now."

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