Chapter 29

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Cole POV

The world is a cruel place. It takes what you have sometimes, and it destroys them, turning it into ashes. The world also takes lives from innocent people, killing them in the process. And you can't always get what you want.

You need to fight hard for something you want.

But here, I'm fighting even harder for something I need. And that simply is Sami's life.

I pressed the red button on a remote next to the bed with my shaking fingers, trying to get attention from nurses and doctors. I raked my hand through my hair in frustration, and I leaned next to Sami, cupping her cheeks, my heart beating more than a hundred times per second.

"Please, don't die on me, Sami. You know that I love you." I tried to be strong.

I was almost ready to break down, but I knew that I can't. I felt too weak. My mind wasn't working. It felt as if someone stabbed my heart with a sharp knife, and just split it in half. One was me, and the other was Sami. We were apart now.

I wasn't ready to let her go just yet. There was no possible way that she could leave me. I mean, she still loves me, doesn't she? The night of the accident, she even asked me if we could still continue as friends. And she cried because I said that we can't. That means that she really wanted to be with me. But I didn't accept it.

So, she still loves me right?

If so, she can't leave me. I told her. If she lets me go, I won't let her go. There is no possible way that she could ever find a way out of my wrath.

I couldn't even feel my face. My eyes were filled with tears, and my face was wet with them. What have I done?

In a couple seconds, I heard footsteps of the doctor coming into the room, but I didn't bother to look up. I didn't want to leave her out of my sight. With my peripheral vision, I saw that the doctor took Sami's lifeless hand, and placed two fingers on her wrist, trying to feel her pulse.

"I am sorry, sir. But I am afraid she passed away." He turned to me and said with a concerned expression. My heart fell at that comment.

"No, she can't die. She has to be alive." I couldn't slow my heartbeat down, not even a little. My stomach was doing flips as I was getting more nervous by the second. I face felt numb, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking. If only I didn't reject her in the first place, all of this wouldn't have happened.

"I fear we can't do anything about it."

"Please, just do something. A drug, the defibrillator. I'll pay for the extra costs."


"Please, doctor." I cut him off. "I love her so much. I don't know what would happen to me without her." He looked at me with a straight face before he sighed.

"Fine. I will try my best."

"Thank you so much." I gave a small smile. There is a chance to bring her back.

"But you have to stay out of this room for this."


"No, please go outside. I will call you when everything is done with." I sighed in defeat, letting him lead me out the door into the waiting section.

I sat on the chair in the waiting section, and I looked down, placing the palm on my cheek, having some time to think. There was a chance to get Sami back, but then again, on the other hand, what if she doesn't come back?

My heart clenched at that thought. I shut my eyes closed, trying not to think about her death, but only her face, her beauty, her smile. Then her voice, and laugh. The way she says my name sounds like an angel. I wish I could cuddle with her, and play with her long black hair, twisting the smooth strands in between my fingers. I wish to kiss her, and never let her go. I wish I could hear her tell me that she loves me as well. I wish to have her, forever.

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