Chapter 9

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Nathan POV

"Nathan, how is she right now?" I felt someone take a seat next to me. Of course, it was Ariana. She placed her warm hand on my cheeks, and she wiped away any tears that fell on my face.

"I don't know." I replied. The doctors haven't come out of the room for about an hour now. And I don't know what is going to happen furthermore. "I just wish that I could walk into the room and know what is going on."

"How did you find her?"

"Noah and I were coming home from school, and we went into her room to see if she was there. Since the past two weeks, she started taking the shortcut home. And she was there in her room. She left a note on her study table saying that she wasn't able to move on, and we found her on the floor, unconscious." I grimaced at the image of her lying on the floor, almost dead. "She swallowed a handful of pills. I don't know how long she was like that, but I know that it must have been over ten minutes from the time we arrived home."

"So, um, what really happened in the past?" She asked, desperately. She would have to know some time.

I decided that it would be best if Noah went to his friend's house to chill out a little. He was shaking in fear, and he wouldn't stop crying at the same time. So, his friend's Dad came to pick him up from the hospital.

I looked into her mesmerizing brown eyes, and I cleared my throat before starting the story.

"It was two years ago, when we moved to Los Angeles, due to our parents' transfer. I was in tenth, and Sami was in ninth at that time. We went to school there, and it was great. Sami made a lot of new friends, and she was happy there. After the first semester, a new kid came into town, and his eye fell on Sami." My jaw clenched at the thought of him, but I continued. "I knew that he was into her from the moment I saw him look at her. It wasn't like love at first sight or a good type of friendship, or anything like that. He looked at her with lust, and I didn't like that. They became really good friends, and I tried warning Sami that that guy wasn't a good person, but she just wouldn't listen to me. We got into a big fight, and we didn't talk to each other for a few days. In those few days, I would hang out with some other girls, or flings, and she would hang out with him. He looked for the perfect timing, and thought that he could turn the relationship into something more. He wanted to be her boyfriend, and she said no to that. In that anger, he drugged her, and raped her."

I pinched the bridge of my nose to control the anger that was raging through my body like wildfire. Ariana hugged me closer, and I hugged her back, feeling her warmth against my shaking body. She smelled so good, just like watermelons and vanilla. It was so sweet, that I couldn't get it out of my head. At that moment, I forgot what I was talking about; I thought about her, and only her.

There was something about her that was different than other girls. Is it just her kindness, or the way she cares about others? Or is it just her who has that type of helping-nature? Maybe, but at the same time, it could also be me.

It is fascinating how beautiful she is. No makeup at all, and she looks beautiful. Those brown eyes that have a happy twinkle in them. No matter what mood you are in, it makes you feel better in about a second. That beautiful caramel hair that rested right below her collarbones fit perfectly with her light complexion. Her hazel eyes were outlined with thick eyelashes, which seemed to look like eyeliner. Her eyebrows were perfectly arched, and her skin was clear from any blemishes. Don't even get me started on her lips. They look so soft and plump as they were slightly parted. A beautiful pink was naturally painted on her lips. Not at all parched or chapped.

She looks absolutely adorable when she is nervous. The way she just bites her lip, and looks around in confusion, and how her hair almost covers her face like a curtain from the outside world when she looks down at her feet. She starts to fiddle with her hands, and sometimes even bite her nails, even when there is nothing there. Everything about her, mesmerizes me. Even her name; it suits her perfectly.

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