Chapter 12

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Sami POV

I walked up the stairs to my room, to put my backpack there. I never liked putting my backpack in the living room, because either Noah, or Nathan, or both would rummage through my stuff, even though they now that my backpack is filled with books.

I placed the heavy bag on my bed, and I sat on it, moving my hair back. I took my phone out of my bag, to see what was going on in any of my social media. I clicked my Messages, to see that I got about a hundred unread texts. Who could have sent all of these?

Unknown number>> Samantha, I'm really sorry that I touched you in the first pace, and said all that to you. Your brother beat me up, and now I have a black eye. I hope you could forgive me for that. -Allen Shapiro

I was pretty sure that he had a black eye now, considering how mad Nathan was the day I told him about what happened. Of course he would beat him up.

I went through a ton of other messages that had similar text in them.

>> you are forgiven. I texted the ones back who I really didn't know so well, and they did the least harm to me.

>> i'll think about it. I texted the ones who did more harm to me than they expected. Like Lucy, or Allen.

And just as I was expecting, there were many texts from Sara. She wouldn't stop texting me for me to forgive her, but I couldn't do it. She was my best friend, and she betrayed me. I mean, I know that she might have not told him intentionally, but still. She made a promise to keep everything a secret, but she didn't.

I closed my eyes to relieve the anger, and the sadness from my head. I massaged my forehead with the pads of my fingers to bring ease.

I opened my eyes to see Noah come into my room, holding a small glass cup with a straw. He placed the cup on my nightstand, and he gave me a hug. I have to say, Noah's hugs are the best.

I kissed his cheek, and he kissed me back. I grabbed the cup, and I sipped the sweet liquid.

Nathan's pink lemonade is one of his other recipes that I absolutely love.

"Nathan made this, didn't he?" I asked Noah.

"Yeah he did. He went to do his homework in his room. He told me to give it to you." Noah replied with his cute, somewhat high-pitched voice. I nodded my head.

Wait, we never had homework. Of course, he wouldn't want to talk to me after I brought up the topic of Charvi.

"Noah, why not go and eat something? I'll be down in a few minutes." At the topic of food, his face lit up more (if that was possible), and he ran down the stairs, screaming "FOOD!!!" 

Oh, typical Noah. I chuckled.  As soon as he left, my smile turned into a frown.


She was my brother's first girlfriend, and that was about a year- no, two years ago. She was a new student at our old school, and it was great with her, before Nick happened. Nathan, Charvi and I would be together for almost everything. We had the most fun.

Then, after about six months, Charvi and Nathan started dating, and I became the third wheel. No matter if Charvi comes home, or I was with them at lunch, I would be the one left out. With Charvi, Nathan forgot all about me, not that I'm saying that I was jealous of her for hanging out with my brother all the time. I mean, I felt happy for them, but it wasn't as fun as it was before.

After some time, Nick came to town, and we became the best of friends. And Nathan despised Nick to the extent of ripping his head off. I trusted Nick, but he raped me, and Nathan was angry, almost ready to kill. In that anger, he started banging girls, totally forgetting about Charvi.

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