Chapter 26

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Cole POV


"Mom! I'm home!" I called as I walked into the mansion.

I knew Mom was home since her car was outside. I slipped my shoes and socks off, and I walked off barefoot into the mansion. Usually when I come home, I usually hear a faint clashing noise of pots and pans from the kitchen, but today, there was nothing. Not even a sound of a pin dropping.

"Mom?" I called once again, hoping to get a response.

"Oh, Cole. You're home." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Mom arranging the pillows on the couch. She brushed a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear, and smiled.

"Hey, didn't you say that you were going on business trip this morning?" I asked her. It's uncommon that she cancels her business trips. She says that if Ariana and I are her right eye then her business trips are like her left eye. They are that important to her.

"Yeah. About that. I just thought that since I don't spend any time with my children, maybe we could spend some time with you and Ariana. I've been pretty distant lately. And this is the only day that I got off."

"Look Mom, I'm really sorry, but there is this girl I'm going out with-" She cut me off in the middle of my sentence.

"Is it a girlfriend, or is it a fling?"

"Mom, it's-"

"Is she your girlfriend?"


"So the girl is a fling." I had no choice but to agree that the girl was a fling.

"Yes." She looked down while shaking her head. She was clearly disappointed.

"Just like your father. Why do you have to be such a player?" She asked me. It's not my fault I have those traits. "You go to one girl, and go onto the next."

"Mom, I-"

"Do you love Ariana and I?"

"Of course I do."

"Yet you are leaving the ones you love for someone else."

"I am not."

"I have tried so hard to get a leave, and I finally got one day to spend time with my family. And you are going out with fling at this time? I already know at this point that you will never find a girl who is right for you, because you will always leave people. Even if you love them, you will leave them. And I won't be surprised if you run away from home any time soon." She huffed in anger, and she left me there.

She just left me there, all alone in the middle of the living room of a spacious mansion. If Mom and I ever get into a fight, I would always be mad at her, thinking that she was wrong or anything. But right now, I know that she is right. She is one hundred percent correct.

End of dream

My eyes fluttered open, not caring if the light hurt my eyes or anything. They were blurry, filled with tears. Several tears rolled down the side of my face thinking about one thing; Sami.

I agree. My Mom was right in my dream; I left one of the people who I loved the most. Now, she's just gone. I rejected her, and there can't be anything done about it. The one person who I can't let go of, I just had to.

I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes, having the image of Sami back in my head. I don't think I can ever forgive myself for hurting her so much. She has been so hurt, just because of me. I bet half of the pain that she felt in her life was because of me.

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