Chapter 32

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Sami POV

"Are you ready, Nathan?" I asked him. I was ready to go to school, but I wasn't ready to face Cole again this day.

He offered me his jersey yesterday; something that he never did before. But what made me think about it is that why he would be doing that to me. I mean, I really want to believe that he loves me back, but what if it's all fake? I mean, he has already hurt me twice. Why should I take another risk?

Only he makes me feel complete. He is the missing part, that fits perfectly like a puzzle piece. But, I have no other choice other than moving on. I have to be happy with my life and he has to be happy with his.

"Yeah, I'm good. Do you want to go now?" He asked me back. Nodded my head, heading out the door.

"Bye Mom!" I called from outside, since she was the only one awake at the moment.

I heard a beeping sound from the car as Nathan unlocked the doors with the remote control on the keys. I sat in the back, holding my crutches and making sure my bag doesn't fall under the seat.

"You comfortable?" My brother asked me.

"Yeah." With that response, he drove off to school.

After we reached to school, it was all kind of the same since yesterday; go to the main office to get the elevator key, go to my home room, and then let the teacher take attendance. But so far, I haven't seen Cole anywhere. I didn't want to see him, but deep down in my heart, I felt a little disappointment that he didn't show up before me like he usually would.

I crutched to my locker, and I took my backpack off. Opening it, I placed a couple books into it. I really wish I could get some help, but my brother happened to be with his wonderful girlfriend, a.k.a my best friend. And when those two are together, I just happen to be invisible. And that is not fun.

Just as I was about to close my locker, a small, neon orange Post-It came into view.

I don't remember owning any neon colored Post-Its. I just have the boring yellow ones.

I opened the folded note to see what was inside the colorful piece of paper.

Sami, are you normally this beautiful? Even when you break an ankle?

~Your secret admirer, TC

My secret admirer? I bit my lip. If my name wasn't written there, I would have thought that it would be someone else, but it's for me. And I did break an ankle.

I looked around to see who it could be with the initials of TC. I couldn't find any guys with those initials. And it would clearly be a guy, because of their handwriting (not to be sexist or anything). It was somewhat sloppy, but overall, it was legible. I looked on the back of the paper to see if there was anything else written.

If you want to talk to me slip a not into locker 508

Lockers from the numbers 480 to 520 were on the way to the class that I have next. Sure, I'm familiar with the hallway and all, but I am nowhere familiar to the people who have lockers in that hallway.

I closed the door of my locker, only to be looking at my right hand. The ring that was slipped onto my ring finger. I was almost lost in a trance while I was staring at the beautiful piece of jewelry.

"I don't remember having this ring ever. Where did I get it?" I asked Ariana, hoping she might know.

"Oh, that? I-I just got it for you." She replied, a smile shining across her face.

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