Chapter 21

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Sami POV

I woke up to having a throbbing pain all around the top of my head. I raked my hand through my hair, massaging it as well. I opened my eyes, but I hissed dues to the bright rays of the sun shining on my face. I mentally groaned, gripping onto the soft sheets of the mattress.

As I did so, I noticed one thing. These sheets are a little too soft in order to be sheets made for a mattress. And the material is also kind of stretchy, not to mention the hardness of the mattress right underneath the cloth. Maybe Mom got this new type of mattress cover. I mean she likes things that have a soft texture; she could have bought this.

As soon as I brushed the thought of something fishy going on at the moment and go back to my sleep, I could have sworn I felt my bed move, and... grip onto my waist? What is this?

I opened my eyes suddenly, not caring if the sunlight made my eyes hurt, to see that I was currently sitting on Cole's lap, cuddling towards him. And of course, I was at Cassie's house. Aha! I had a feeling that this wasn't a mattress cover. I realized that I was gripping onto Cole's black shirt.

I looked up higher to look at his face, making me breathless. I was sure I would have started drooling right now, if it weren't for the dryness in my mouth.

His hair was messy, but in a good way. He was truly looking like a boy model at the moment- not that he didn't look like one before this. I bit my lip at his appearance. He looks like a Greek God! He stirred a little, but he didn't wake up. I sighed in relief, and looked elsewhere, but his face.

At that moment, I spotted my backpack at the opposite wall of the room. I was glad that I had an extra pair of clothes in that bag. I tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, and I got up halfway, only to be gently pulled down into his lap again. I carefully unlocked his arms around my waist, which was difficult, considering I didn't want him to wake up.

But nothing is impossible. So I got up fully from his lap, and I brisk walked to my bag. After I grabbed my bag, I gladly went into the bathroom, to change into my regular clothes from Ariana's sparkly gold dress she lent me. I didn't forget to get the makeup remover wipes out of my bag to wipe the makeup off my face. If I keep it on for more than twenty four hours, I would get allergic reactions, and it would not be at all pretty. Then I washed my face, just for good measure. And I sure didn't forget to brush my hair, twisting it into a messy bun at the end.

After I walked out of the bathroom, I placed my bag on the floor, close to the corner of the bed. This time, instead of just looking at one person in particular, *cough* Cole *cough*, I looked around the room, to see that Ariana and Nathan were currently cuddling on the bed, and they were in a sitting position (which was absolutely adorable); Ariana was sitting on Nathan's lap, and Nathan's face was buried in the crook of her neck, sleeping peacefully. Then, there was Cole huddled up in the corner where I was cuddling with him.

But I have to say that I'm jealous of Ariana. I mean, she found out that the guy who she likes, likes her back, a lot more than she thought he would. And then there's me who doesn't even have an idea if the guy who I like, likes me back the same way; not as a friend. I know that part.

I grabbed my phone from one of the pouches in my backpack, taking a seat right beside Cole. I sighed heavily, browsing through Facebook, and Instagram for interesting videos to watch and like. I know, it's kind of boring after a while, so I just opened the the Wattpad app, reading whatever good romance story that I found. I mean, what else do I have better than this when no one else but my are awake.

Right as the sunlight fell on my face again, I realized that I had a migraine. God, I wished that I had some Tylenol or something to make me feel better. And my throat also hurts, for some reason. What happened last night? I don't remember a thing.

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