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What is it do we find in our selves to call our fellow man human? Is it the look in his brow? The twigle in his thumb, that which separates flesh from fur and man from monkey? Or is it the swagger in his step? His approach to his brother, his sister, his mother? Is he a mouth of cotton? Or say he bears a throat of milk? Should man work or is it he may lay? Maybe it be the tune in his head? The tap in his shoes? Does he deserves his own fingers? Does he pocket his own desires? Will he turn face to his neighbors favor? Is he a man of will or a boy broken by way?

Why are you so afraid of yourself?

Do you remember being born?

I awoke with a sharp gasp.

"Ugh...uh....Christ." I groaned groggily.

What the hell happened?

Eyes still closed, I felt around the area surrounding me. I was laying in what I can guess to be a hospital bed, the sheets soft against my bare skin as the mattress laid thinly under me.

I put my hands at my sides for leverage to sit up but was stopped in my tracks.

"No, no, no. Don't get up. We're not finished."

I opened my eyes and looked into the direction of the voice. "Thor? What - What's going on?"

"Stay calm. You're being stabilized and too much emotion can be cause for great harm. Be still."

I sighed tiredly. "Please tell me what's happening. Why am I here?" I looked around and noticed the foreign decor. "And where exactly is here?"

"You're in Odin's kingdom, here in Asgard."

"What? W-Why?"

"Do not fret. As I said before, stay calm. You're in well hands and will not be harmed as long as you're in my sight. We're almost finished."

I looked to the front of me, my body surrounded by a blue source-less light. I knew well not to touch it seeing as what ever it may be, it was keeping my body "stable."

Is that why I was bleeding earlier?

As the fear I felt earlier ran through my mind again, the light around me sparked into holograms of shards circling my body. Thor placed his hand on my bare stomach and I was hit with a wave of warming peace.

"Shh." The light returned to it's natural state.

A few minutes passed and with a soft beep the lights turned orange and fizzled into thin air. Thor let out a frustrated sigh and mumbled something I couldn't quite hear.

"Is everything okay?" I asked softly as I sat up right in the bed.

"Everything.." He sighed. "Everything will be."

"Is it not now?"

Reaching for a silk looking robe hanging from the wall behind him, he helped me out of bed and draped it over my shoulders. "Come." He began us on a walk down the halls.

"Tell me, (Y/N); do you feel human?"

My eyebrows clashed with confusion. "I..Uh..I don't understand the question?"

"Well, were you raised by humans?"


"Your mother and father, were they human?"


"Do you think you're human?"

I paused before answering. "I-I'm not sure?"

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα