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Steve Rogers

"She's in Asgard?! What do you mean she's in Asgard?!"

"I mean she's in Asgard, Cap. What about that don't you understand?" Fury shrugged me off as he walked into the room over.

"What do you mean "What don't I understand?" Do you know how far that is?" I followed behind him.

"It's just a planet away."

"A plan- that's an entirely different dimension! I can't belie- It's been three days, Nick! Why am I just hearing about this?"

He sighed. "Because I expected you'd react like this."

"Like what?!" I exclaimed.

"Like this. Look, to what ever questions you're about to ask me, here's the answer to all of them: She's safe. There was an incident, it could have ended badly, but guess what: it didn't. Thor scooped her up before she got hurt and took her to Asgard. 'Says she'd be a lot safer there with him. Any other day I would have protested, but as it stands I'm dealing with a good amount of wounded agents and an entire chunk taken out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. main base headquarters. Now if you would excuse me, I have two billion dollars worth of building to replace." He explained, beginning to walk away.

I stopped him, my voice in a desperate drag. "Is there anyway I could know what happened? Why she's gone?"

He sighed. "Last time I spoke to Thor he said it would be about a week before we'd hear back from him. Any questions you have, you can run by him then."

"Alright, well when is then?"

Groaning he looked at his phone before answering. "Well that was about two days ago so uh... Tuesday at 6am-ish."


"Hey, that's all I got for ya. Take it. Don't take it. I don't give a shit. As long as she's not dead, I got bigger things to worry about." He said finally walking away.

I sighed hopelessly, my body falling upon one of the conference chairs in a near flop as I laid my head in my own hands.

This is my fault. If I wouldn't have pushed her, if I would have just listened to her; she'd still be here. Brightening up the room with her presence and telling me how unfunny my jokes are. Because of me she got hurt. Because of me she's gone.

"God damn it!" I yelled behind a clenched jaw.

Brash and abruptly my fist clashed against the marble table with the force of my own anger and frustration, breaking a glass coaster unlucky enough to be sitting underneath my hand at that moment.

"Hey, Cap?"

I looked over and sighed. "Yes, Stark."

"Mkay, little touchy there - You seem a little frustrated. Should I come back later?"

"No." I groaned. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to take this out on you. I just... I don't know.." I trailed off.

"Ah, upset about little Ankle Biter, huh?" He said pouring himself I drink.

"I'm supposed to be her confident, her safe place, someone she can trust and feel at home with; and because of me she wounded up in the cross fire of something that could of been completely avoided. Something that if it weren't for me, probably would've never even happened in the first place."

"Alright well," He sat in the chair across from me. "Look at it this way: What ever happened, what ever you did or think you did to end up here; Has already been done. It happened. No what if I did this or what if I didn't do that, what happened: happened. And there's no way in changing that. In fact, I'm almost positive that this was gonna happen no matter what you could've or shouldn't've done. And hey maybe the outcome would have been a bit more mundane than this, or maybe it could've been an even bigger shit show and something worse could have happened. But because the past is the past, and we know that she at least came out relatively fine; what you need to do now is focus on what can be done to avoid another situation like this and make sure she continues to be safe."

I took his words into account.

He's right. What's done has been done and there's really nothing I can do to change that. In the end she turned out okay and for that I'm more than lucky. Wallowing in my own self pity does nothing in favor of me or her.

"But she's so far away from me, how can I really know she's still safe?"

"I mean, well come on, she's with Pointbreak. He may not be that bright but for some odd reason he's a god that wields a magical hammer so you know, my bets on she's probably good." Stark shrugged.

In a sigh I chuckled. "Probably?"

"Oh, you know what I mean. He's like the green guy but travel sized- I mean, if the green guy wasn't, you know, green. Or smart, Or human, and sometimes came from a strike of lighting in the sk- Alright, yeah you know what maybe I shouldn't be making comparisons."



~ The infinity war trailer is out and bitch I am fucking SHOOK HOE

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