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I awoke in a body of water.

No boats, no fish, no plant life to be found. Just water. Just me.

My head twisted and turned in search for even the slightest sign of familiarity. A rock or faltering sand to seek the promise of an island. But to no reach did the sight of land show face; only a prison I float, liquid to a purgatory of isolation.

Yet strangely, as I swam for what felt hours, my lungs only sat to be filled with the nectar of hopeless desperation. I breathed with the ease of an empty chest. Yet still I sunk, anchored by the weight of bottomless paranoia.

Disregardful of my own struggles, I tried for the water's scalp. Swimming with mission at first. Surely the top will provide some sort of advantage. But days passed. And the water only faded darker. My attempts at escape seeming to only drive me deeper.

Knelt to the devil of this blue hell, my limbs fell limp to my torment. All hope gathered to the gift of death, I prayed to what ever god may be that they'd be merciful to cut my ties with the living. But just as my eyes closed with the plea of an eternal slumber, my sight was grabbed by the face of another.

My eyes widened as she drew closer.

With disbelief my chest grew in a silent gasp. This angelic, deity like form of me swam with godly grace. Her face souring with growing disgust as she stared me down.

I looked at her, my arms still heavy with the weight of exhaustion, and brought my hand out to touch her. But with a scornful expression twisted in her face she swayed quick to dodge the advance.

I shook my head with dumbfounded refusal. This can't be real. This has to be a hallucination. I told myself. But deep down I knew that opposite to she, this was no dying trick of the mind.

She spoke with an arrogant singe. "You're pathetic." She groaned.

I opened my mouth to protest but all that emerged were lazy bubbles, rising to float up above my head.

She continued. "Without me you'd be nothing. Just another human existing without purpose, living emptily until you're left to die and rot; worthless of even a crowd's toll of concern. You're less than nothing without me. And with me?" She chuckled. "You're barely worth a rich man's penny."

Like a cracked shell her skin began to chip off in fragments of hardened flesh and meat. Beneath her facade began to reveal the lava like exterior of a demonic beast. Her voice dropped deeper as her belittling words progress further.

"You're more pathetic than a human. You're a worm - a coward. You don't even have the balls to see what you're really capable of - what I'm really capable of. Did you really think you could run from us forever?!" She roared.

At this point I had already readied myself to flee. What ever this thing was, wasn't of anything I had ever seen before and I sure as hell wasn't staying around to get more acquainted.

But before I could even move my feet to swim away, my throat was enclosed between her boiling fingers.

Pouring into her eyes filled the color of ink. Voidish saucers staring into me as her body; though under this cage of never ending water, now burst into hellish flames. She spoke with a voice deep enough to ring through my bones.

"Oh no, you're not getting away from me- not ever again. Because like it or not, bitch; I'm not you anymore-" She giggled deeply as her hand began to infuse into my neck.

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now