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"Is this death?"


"What is it then?"

"What was it last time?"


"Last time. What did it feel like?"

"What did what feel like?"

"Euphoria. What did it feel like to not exist?"

"It felt like misery. I was nothing."

"And you're not now?"

"I have a body."

"We, have a body."

"You have a body."

"I am the body."

"Rise and shine, cadet!"

~ (Y/N) ~

Large hands tugging at my sides as my feet curled at the draft that accompanied the A.C. I groaned and shooed the assailant away. "It's Sunday morning.." I grumbled. "This is literally my only day off.."

"Yeah, and it's the only day you and I get any free time. Now, up and Adam!"

"Mr. Rogers...?" I grumbled. "Mhh...Five more minutes."

"You said five more minutes half an hour ago, bud." He jeered. "Come on, it's almost twelve!"

Numb to his childlike whining, I mumbled a few incomprehensible words before finding myself drifting back to sleep. Almost encompassed by the warmth of slumber. I had nearly found myself in the process of dreaming. That is, before I was knocked awake by the face of a lunging pillow.

"What are you doing?" I giggled.

"Adroit ~" "Whomp!" "Maneuvering!"

"Oh my-" "Whomp!" "Mr. Rog-" "Whomp!" "Whomp!" "Fine! Okay! I'm up! I'm up!" I laughed.

"Yes! Alright, now hurry up and get dressed."

"Get dressed?" I yawned. "What? Why? Are we going somewhere?"

"You know it!" He clapped. "I wanna show you something. ~ Come on! Come on!"

I snickered as I climbed out of bed. "Mr. Rogers, the last time you said you wanted to show me something we ended up in a 7/11 parking lot, where you very expressively ranted about how offhand the city is with "Natural scenery" and "My old stuff."" I quotated with my fingers.

"Hey! That property is mine and they know it! I should have every right to demand it be torn down!"

"It was a tree you wrote your name on when you were nine, Rogy. ~ it's sad, but not worth the 45 minute tangent."

"That's up for discussion. - Anyways~" He inflected. "This is much different. Something - Someone, I've been meaning to introduce you to for a long time."

"Oh?" I said as I walked into the bathroom. "That so? Well, who ever it is I'm sure I'll be pleased to meet them. Though," I gargled a shot of mouthwash. "Not so much on an empty stomach. Can we at least have breakfast first?"

"Way ahead of ya. Got a hot bag of Chick-fl-A sitting pretty in the car. Now, hurry- Oh! And wear something nice!" He rushed before the sound of the door closing rang audibly into the bathroom.

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now