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"So uh.... Still didn't get your name?"

- - Three years ago - -

Filling the car was a thick and uncomfortable draw of solemn silence. Breaking the ice was all I knew to do in these types situations, but then again it was the first time the ledge I had talked them off of ended with them leaving in my direction.

She looks so young. I can't imagine what led her up there, especially in her "condition".

"So..." I trailed off.

Lips still locked together in refusal of a response, the back of her head remained turned in my direction. Her eyes pushed to the glass of the window soullessly. Drained and lifeless but oddly beautiful. I can only imagine what they looked like in her prime.

"Are you from...here?"

"What are you asking me if I'm from Earth?" Still keeping towards the window, her voice cut back me; I had obviously offended her.

"No- I'm sorry, I mean - it's just we don't get a lot of people like you from-"



"I'm from Brooklyn."


I paused.

"Same here."

She huffed. "Small world."

Left again in the quiet, the thickness of the moment was somewhat alleviated by the relation shared between us.

"Your parents natives or..?"

She held her answer for a bit before letting out a defeated sigh. "They moved here together when the Navy put them on maternity leave."

"Seals huh? Were they-" I cleared my throat. "You know, like-"

"They were human, Mr. America."

"I- You know who I-"

She turned to me. "Sir, I don't know you from a hole in the ground. You think an 18 year old girl would just hop into some man's car? Especially if you're "like me"? I decoded your neuron patterns the moment you started the car, Mr. Rogers."

"Don't you think that might be an invasion of privacy?"

"Like I said, I don't know you. Plus, I only went for the basics: Name, Age, Occupation. Don't worry, Cap. Your secrets are your own."

"Well, looks like you got it all figured out. So you're aware we're going to S.H.I.E.L.D, is that right?"

"Where else would an Avenger take me?"

I smirked. "It's a two hour drive back to base. Personally, I'd prefer the old fashion "Talking" to get to know each other. But if you so do prefer, you can just spend that time reading my neuron patterns? Is that what you call it?"

She smiled tiredly and turned towards the window again, leaning her head on the glass.

"(Y/N). My name's, (Y/N)."

- -

It's been two weeks since I last heard from Thor. From her. My head is still spun dizzy from the last update I got from him. The terror in his voice. The panic in his eyes.

Powerlessness  ( Loki x Reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora