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"What's his name?"

~ 14 years ago ~

"Poppy." She fondled the pup's ears. "I got him for my birthday!"

It was a blistering summer afternoon. July had rolled in a bit hotter than usual and the sun burned through the sky with skin scorching ferocity. I thought it'd fit nice to take a stroll for the day. A "stroll" at that time being a walk down the street to our neighbor's house, maybe picking up a glass of lemonade or a nice game of tag with the neighbors' daughter, Alicia Reneé.

Now Alicia was a nice girl, a pretty girl. One you might see in those cheesy bandaid commercials or on the cover of a pamphlet at your local bank. She had a pretty smile with a couple missing teeth, brown skin the color of wet sand; and an ethnically mixed fro on the top of her head placed neatly in a ponytail with an orange bow.

We had been friends a couple months now. She had just moved into the neighborhood sometime in late spring and my mother and I were the first to welcome her and her family to the community. We baked them a nice pie and as a token of their appreciation, they invited us to their family church. A weird gift, I thought. But at least it was a good opportunity to goof around with my new found friend; and my first friend in general.

Now, today this stroll lead me to the front yard of their pristinely decorated estate. I was dressed in my best sundress, a brilliant yellow colored gown that fell past my knees and adorned itself in a cartoonish portrait of wide-smiling bees. I always felt I needed to dress nicely whenever I stopped by. Their house was so neat and well put together; I couldn't just walk up there looking like some regular 7 year old off the street. Only the finest attire for the Reneé residence. Hell, I even brought my cleanest pair of Sketchers - You know, the light up ones.

But back on topic, today I found myself porch-side with Alicia; a beautiful brown nosed pit with gorgeous blue eyes parked cozily in the middle of us.

"Mommy hates Pitbulls, but Daddy and I love them. He told me if I did really good in school this year I could have one for my birthday."

"Oh." Leaned my head curiously to the side. "What did Mrs. Reneé say?"

She pouted a bit. "She said I can only keep him until he gets too big. She thinks they're"too dangerous for a child to have"."

"And they are." Mrs. Reneé butted in, opening the screen door to the house entrance.

"Well hello there, (Y/N)." She smiled. "Pleasant seeing you here. Is your mother home?"

"Um no." I responded timidly. "But she should be back from work soon."

"Ah well, stay here as long as you like. Adam's grilling Burgers for the evening so, it'd be a pleasure to see you both here around then."

With a spoiled cross of her arms and a scrunched nose in disgust, Alicia grumbled. "I hate Burgers."

"Lili..." Mrs. Reneé warned.

"That would be lovely, Mrs. Reneé." I said softly.

Smacking her lips and smiling delightfully, she crouched to pinch my cheeks. "Awe, you are just the sweetest thing!" She fawned through a clenched jaw. "Here, how about I make the two of a glass of lemonade."

"Yes, please!" Alicia exclaimed.

"Thank you." I nodded.

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