XXXIX. (A big ass Chapter)

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~ Thor ~

Possibly bored to decay, I sighed as I rested my chin against my wrists; my eyelids falling lazily above my irises.

Bless Valhalla, I haven't been this jaded since I spent those few centuries abroad in Svartalfheim. And hell, even the ugliest of rocks potentialed a more captivating visit than the old cloud floating behind me. How am I supposed to stomach another two weeks of this? I'd go absolutely mad.

I yawned.

It almost makes me miss the little nicks and scratches I'd get from time to time, whenever Loki felt I had my back turned to him for too long. I mean at least the brunt of a keen blade could get your attention for a minute or two. Maybe a short discussion after the bleeding stopped. But this? Straight silence from the better side of a two day gait? I'd might as well be counting the stars.

My eyes drifted to a brief scuffling in the windows reflection. A glimpse of Strange somewhat projecting himself as he sat in his usual cross legged float.

I furrowed. "What are you doing?"


"I said what are you doing?"

He sighed. "A dimensional sweep."

"A what?"

"A dimensional sweep." He repeated. "There's a disturbance somewhere in your dimension's radial fabric. ~ Almost as if something's intentionally repurposing the laws of reality." He shook his head. "It's throwing everything out of whack."

I raised an eyebrow. "Could it be (Y/N)?"

"For our sake?" He scoffed. "Let's hope not."

I swiveled my chair in his direction. "And by that you mean..?"

He scowled. "I mean, that if she's capable of doing this while still dormant? We might as well start counting our ass cheeks because this problem is a hell of a lot bigger than we anticipated. We're dealing with a "Gamma" tier situation here. An entity that is essentially functioning like a cancer cell, multiplying in power with each lasting second. Give it ~ What ~ the next few weeks? And she'll be bigger than the universe itself. Wrapping her little finger around the galaxy." He pressed. "She could create her own laws, make Philosophical logic a fairytale. Any cognitive idea of reality ~ Situational, fictional?" He scoffed. "Subjugated. Why? Because she would overrule them both. Her existence itself would be its own version of reality. Star systems reliant on flesh. Galaxies made up of skin cells. - The universe can barely handle a few fundamental particles, what do you think might happen if she were to happen, huh? A stroke, Thor. The universe, would have a stroke."

"Okay so..." I exhaled. "How do you suppose we stop that from happening?"

"In cases like this?" He paused. "We'd destroy her."

I sneered. "Hilarious. What else?"

"Wha- You'd seriously be willing to sacrifice the entire universe to save what may quite possibly be the apocalypse personified?"

"She's a child." I argued.

"She's like 22??"

"Yeah well, your definition of a child has already proved to be vastly different from mine, Strange."

"Oh are you seriously-" He cut himself short with a sigh. "You know what? Whatever. We wouldn't be able to kill her anyway. Her life abides only by the laws of inflationary cosmology. Trying to kill her would be like trying to kill someone who never lived in the first place; and you can't throw a stone without the fingers to hold it."

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