Is that a Halo?

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My savior was beautiful, graceful and didn't come alone. She came in with a squad of people. She came in a holy light that filled every nook and cranny. Her backup brought holy water to put out the Hellfire.

The demons and filth of this place were about to be exposed and cleaned. She is God incarnate, dealing out his wrath, merciless on her mission; to purge the world of the evil and free the unfortunate souls of their damned fate.

That's right I said she.

Her name is Dr. Maria. She believes in getting personal with her patients, though we still have to call her Dr. Although she's was pretty, it wasn't in a supermodel way, she glowed in the right light.

That light happens to the brightest thing I have ever seen, but she's definitely more brains than beauty. Don't get me wrong, she is very nice and a real bug in Dr. Hayes' ass, and I must admit, it's quite nice to see the good doctor get a taste of his own medicine.

Since Dr. Maria has arrived, she has ordered everyone to not take any medicines until she prescribes them. She is working her way through all the patients; first, the children followed by the adults. She's going in alphabetically order. 

I have yet to meet her, but everyone is talking now that most of them are waking up from their functioning comas. I'm kind of nervous to meet her, she seems nice when I've seen her but I don't know.

What if she doesn't believe me?! Or worse, what if she thinks I am insane and keeps me here?! Fear starts to take over my brain, panic gets my heart racing, my hands start to shake. I have got to get a hold of myself, I can not have a mental breakdown in the middle of the Pit when I am trying to prove that I am not insane.

Breathe Theresa breathe... I suck in air, hold it for a few seconds and release it all slowly, trying my best to calm myself.

I will just deny everything! The fact that I can see the dead, like the person sitting at the table with me trying to talk to me, although about what I do not know. Trying to ignore him, I notice a change in the room.

The people around me start to tense and get scared, I look around trying to figure out what could make them act in such a way. Wouldn't you know, here comes Dr. Hayes and boy is he pissed.

He's all but has steam coming out of his ears, and he just stalks across the room to a patient that I have never really gotten too close to; I was warned not to. Then he just yokes the guy up and drags him out of the room with this really calm look on his face.

Not a sound is made, I think if a mouse farted right now it would scare everyone.

Everyone is unsure of what to do, no one is speaking, they are all just avoiding eye contact. After a while, a nurse comes in and starts calling names.

I'm not really paying attention, as I'm still kind of shocked that Dr. Hayes would act like that. I completely miss her saying my name because I am not really used to being called on.

When Lee grabs my arm, I totally freak and I may have hit him in the nose and caused his nose to bleed a bit. As soon as I realized it was him I put my hands down and didn't move a muscle, just apologized repeatedly, hoping it might make a difference.

I was then led to a room I have never been in before. It was filled with stacked boxes and a little shabby desk and an equally shitty chair. I was forced to sit down and the door was closed behind whoever brought me here.

The room smelled of old musk, and a hint of cleaning, The light was piss poor in here too.

I got the feeling this room is not used much, if at all until recently. I am totally freaked out at this point, I can barely breathe or see. This is a new and scary part of hell and I do not know what to expect.

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