In My Dreams

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She stood there for a few seconds. Clearly still surprised at seeing me again. She kept stealing glances at me.

"Follow me, dears."

She said as she passed us to lead us into a living room of sorts it had a rather large round table kinda crammed into the room with chairs spread around it.

There were bookcases shoved against the walls with books stacked everywhere. There were crystals and tarot cards placed throughout the room along with different charms, idols, altars, and god knows what else. Oh and there were candles everywhere, I wonder if the rest of her house looked like this room.

I think I am going to like this woman.

Somehow she found a walkway through the room, which we followed carefully into another room which seemed to be more of a more living room, you know with a couch and stuff.

"Sit while I go get you guys something to drink, and found everything I think I will need to help." She waved to the couches and hustled out of the room.

She entered the room carrying a large tray on one side she had three cups on the other side she had a collection of things. As she handed us our drinks and settled her tray on the small coffee table and settled into a chair, I took the time to really look at her.

At the store all I noticed was that she appeared to belong there, now she only had a few charm bracelets on, I saw a silver necklace with a couple of stones hanging from it, a locket or pendant. Her finger was not covered in rings like they were earlier, now she only had two rings on; one on each middle finger; they seem to be a set they each had a symbol but I couldn't make out what.

Her light brown hair was tied up into a messy bun on top of her head. She sipped on her tea and stared at me for a few beats, cleared her throat a bit

"First, I have a few questions, these will help guide me when we summon your father to make sure we get the right man. Second, you must be sure you want to do this because once we start we can not stop. Last, I will not be very well when we are down, I will need someone to take me upstairs, and lock up. I usually don't ask that of people, but Xander and I go back a bit and I trust who he accompanies himself with." She paused for a moment, thinking I assume.

"Do you have a photo or an object of your father's? It will help but not really necessary, it does help that you brought more than just yourself; the more energy we have the strong the connection between worlds will be." Xander spoke up just then

"If it ok with both you, Miranda and you, Theresa I would like to both film and record this. If nothing else, so we can have proof that we did this. Validating your claims beyond doubt." He spoke somewhat hesitantly like he wasn't sure what I would say since he didn't look at Miranda once while he spoke. I just nodded and smiled at him, I had already committed myself to a life full of cameras. Miranda just fluffed her hair, shrugged

"I don't get much better looking than, I look right now so whatever. Which room would you like to use then?" We all shrugged so she just started setting things up on the table, she hummed while she worked, only stopping to ask me for the photo, which she stuck in the middle of the table surrounded by crystals and candles.

She grabbed a container, a lighter, she lit whatever was in the container it started smoking filled the room's air with a pungent smell, she walked around the table slowly in a circle.

"Blessed be, and good evening, we are here tonight to ask the Goddess for guidance as we bridge the worlds together, the living and the dead as we are in search of Mark Baxter. Please Dear Mother, help us and keep us safe, Blessed be." She speaks as she finished her circle, she placed the still smoking container on the table below my family photo.

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