Does Not Compute

19 3 0

Theresa's POV

The pizza was delicious, well what I could get of it. Casey ate all but the two pieces I got.

Which didn't help my already grumpy mood. Starting witb Casey's over reacting to the car issue. She woke me up and it wasn't like we weren't going in the right direction. There was a lot of tension in the room, I decided to try and take a nap. 

My nap lasted all of about an hour, I woke up feeling even more like crap. I saw that Casey had finally passed out, she had been on a wire's edge all day. I didn't want to risk turning on the tv and waking up Miss Grumpy-pants.

I played around on my tablet, it was this silly game cutting ropes.

That got boring real fast.

I tried to read several different books and nothing was holding my attention. 

I decided my best course of action was to go wander around. I quietly walked out the room with my bag in hand. I had learned that it was always best to have that with me.

I shuffled to the lobby, I figured Xander must be bored too.

I asked the lobby clerk what his room number was. She even gave me a key.

Apparently he had a key to my room.

It's only fair.

I had to wait for the elevator, I strummed my fingers against my legs. The little bell dings after an eternity, I get in and press the button.

The music  playing is  nice and light. Exactly what you would expect to be playing in an elevator.

One day I would like to get into an elevator and hear some Otep or hell even Jay-Z would be hilarious.

Oh my god, did we just know the names of some modern day artist?! 

I stunned myself, my giggles ending abruptly. 

What is happening to me? What is to become of me? I mean now I can do magic?! It's not like I'm Harry Potter or anything.

Who the fuck is Harry Potter? How do I know this stuff?

O-Kay, Theresa now is not the time to freak out about this.

Do. Not. Lose. It.

Especially in this little elevator. I glanced around the room nervously, almost excepting someone to be there to witness my mental moment.

I picked at lint on my shirt sleeve for the three or four secs it took for the bell to ding  and the doors open once again. It took everything I had to not go running out that elevator.

I strolled down the hallway.

I was looking for one of the little plates on the wall to say 207. Of course it wasn't apart of the first hallway. I took the left hallway, following the puke green carpet.

Second door on the right.

I rapped on the door softly, just in case he was asleep. I shifted from foot to foot as I waited.

I knocked again, little louder this time. I waited a few more moments.

Alright, one more try then I will move on to something else.

 I may or may not have smacked on the door, harder than I wanted.  It worked, the door swung open and Xander marched off and flew onto the bed.

Ok-ay, I shuffled into the room, making sure to close the door behind me. I slowly made my way towards the bed, half expecting him to jump up and start talking.

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