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Not too long after the sun came up, I became tired and decided a nap was the perfect way to spend the rest of this trip.  Feeling disheartened and truthfully more than a little scared. I stretched out on the seat using my bag as a pillow and shifted Ma'ii to get more comfortable. With my back up against the back of the seat, I pretended I was home in my own warm bed. I let the car's vibrations lull me to sleep. 

I was jostled awake, disoriented I looked around. Noting I was in the car and I wasn't on the floor. That is a good thing, I moved into an upright position. With the click of my seatbelt, I surveyed my surrounding further. We were still on the highway.  There was nothing indicating where we were. 

"Are we even close?" I croaked out, louder than I intended to, my voice heavy with sleepiness. Clearing my throat a few times I waited for Casey to answer me. It must be her turn to drive since Xander was passed out in the passenger seat.  My heart dropped and I know I lost the color in my face. Cringing, I hoped I didn't wake him up. 

He snored lightly and I let out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding. 

"Almost." She whispered back at an appropriate volume.  

My stomach rolled and began to feel sour. I knew this was my anxiety presenting itself. Dr. Maria and I had spoken about it multiple times. It will present in stomach aches, cold sweats, and a few other things. She was under the impression that my parents were just pious people who overreacted.  

I rubbed my stomach and did my best to not think about the spirits that were waiting for me.  I couldn't stop myself from wondering about the dark secrets those spirits must know. Did they suffer as I did at my own piece of hell? 

Staring at the window I wasn't really seeing what was passing us by, I was too lost in my own mind. Remembering some of my first days at Our Healing Hand and with Dr. Hayes. I vaguely recall his gentle tone as he told me that my parents had surrounded me to the state and to his care. 

"I look forward to our time working together Theresa." His rich voice was packed full of false reassurance.  His eyes scanned my body, leaving my skin crawling. Fear had seized my voice long ago. I just wanted to go home but I knew that chance was gone. I clutched my blanket to my chest and nodded at him. Tears threatened to spill over and run down my face. Dr. Hayes leaned towards me, a tissue appearing in his left hand a ring gleamed when the light hit it. 

"Don't cry, sweet child. I will fix you all up," he cooed as he wiped the tears from my cheeks. Before straightening up he brushed the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.  

"I hate to tell you this but we will be cutting your hair." His gentle tone was almost genuine but something about it nagged at me.

I found some joy at the thought that I never trusted Dr. Hayes no matter how hard he had tried in the beginning. 

Sitting in the room the foul smelling old lady put me in, trying to just sob over the horrid hair cut I was given. Running my fingers through it once more. The jagged edges made the tears flow. My once long golden blonde gone. Replaced with something that looked like my brothers tried to style it for me.  Pulling my knees to my chest and my head in my hands I let go of being tough. A sob shook through my small frame. I missed home and that didn't help me control my emotions. 

There was a swift knock on my door and then it lurched open. I moved my head so I could peek at the door. The doctor from earlier today stood in the doorway holding something in his hands. He strode into my room and kneeled in front of me. 

"Theresa, I know you are having a nice time right now. So I brought you something that I think will ease your time here." He twisted his face into what I could only assume was his attempt of a smile. He opened his hands and showed me a journal and pen. 

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