Down We Go

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*Theresa's Pov*

I stood in the living room, tapping the toe of my shoe, against the floor. I was still waiting for an answer, that I was starting to think I wasn't going to get. My eyes followed his every move.

I huffed out some of my growing frustration.

I could feel my face becoming more and more screwed up. I was trying to not be rude but I was finding out, I really can't stand being purposely ignored.

"Excuse me?" I made no attempt to hide my contempt and growing annoyance. They both knew who I was talking to; Casey ducked her head and went to her room.

Smart girl, really.

Xander's shoulders sagged and he turned to face me, after putting the food down.

He had defeat written all over his face. It was like ice water had been flung onto my anger. I no longer cared, I just wanted him to stop making that face.

I had to stand my ground though, act tough. You know, can't show too much affection. I still don't know where I stand with him, but that doesn't matter right now.

He started walked into the living room, he paused to grab my hand. Giving it a tug, he lead me to the couch and sat down.

Not a good sign.

What the hell is he about to tell me? He kept a hold of my hand even after we were seated. He looked at some spot on the floor.

"There's a reason I can fight with James and name the show. I own most of the show's shares. So I basically own the show." He put his hand up.

"Before you ask, yes I also pretty much told him if he's right I'll give him the show. First thing to go will be The Gray Lady Research Society. We'll be something dumb like Ghost Chasers. Luckily for us, we have you."

Great way to not put any pressure on me.

I didn't know how to process this. I just stared at him and saw all the faith he had. I was hoping I didn't prove him wrong.

I was already planning out my research mission. I know I'm suppose to be blind to our investigations but it really couldn't hurt if I knew what I might have to deal with.

My plan was to just type the name of the church plus the word haunting, into the search engine. I wouldn't click on any links or anything just see the sort of things that were said.

Thankfully Xander left me alone, so I could do my own thing as we waited for James' email. I had ordered some books, that I couldn't find a readable copy online.

Most of them have arrived and I was beside myself.

I collected the thinnest two, I sat them on table beside my bed, I went to turn on the little boom box thing Casey made me buy. I could not figure out how to connect my phone to it. Before I got mad and end up throwing the silly little box across the room, I poked my head into the hallway.

"Xan, could you come help me?" I gave him a sheepishly pathetic face.

As I turned to go back in the room and my foot went over the threshold it came in contact with something and well my body was already in motion and couldn't stop on it's on.

The floor was there to stop me though, very abruptly and painfully.

By some miracle I turned my head, stopping my face didn't smash into the floor.

Last thing I needed right now, was a broken nose.

I just laid there for a moment, I didn't feel any pain. Nothing was hurt but my pride.

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