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My eyes would not focus on anything other than Ida, the twisted angle of her neck was all I could look at. I didn't even look at how the rest of her was positioned, I didn't much care. My feet were rooted to the ground. Willing myself to move back was proving pointless. Finally, I dragged my eyes away from her neck, but they landed on something worse.

Her dull eyes. She was staring off to her side. It didn't look like she was even frightened but I wasn't focused on how her face was set. Something in her eyes held my gaze, I couldn't look away. I barely knew her, yet I could feel a sob building up in my chest. My knees buckled unable to hold me up anymore, collapsing to the ground. 

Something wet hit my forehead causing me to look up at the sky. A raindrop fell into my eye as I was looking up, it made me recoil and look down. After I rubbed my eye I looked at my hand as confusion laced its way through my gray matter. 

The part of my brain that processed new information seemed to be suffering a major malfunction. Enabling me to be unaware of all my surroundings. Which was the plan I assume?

"Guys," James half asked, and half whines. "Who's that?" He pointed towards the treeline on the other side of the yard nearing the far end of the lot. Tearing my eyes up to where he was pointing a feeling of dread started once again. My eyes landed on a woman with longish dark hair, I couldn't make out much more. It had grown too dark, the storm and no street light not helping matters. Instantly I knew she killed Ida, Ida's spirit was still lingering around her. My heart shook at seeing her in that fuzzy distorted way. 

My instincts told me to run. Listening to my gut I turned on my heel and started sprinting. No real destination in my mind, I hadn't even thought to say anything to the others. I heard heavy footfall behind me, relieving me of the guilt that had just started forming. I had no shame as I hauled ass across the unkempt yard. I rounded the corner and saw the vehicles. 

Can't leave Cas and Maddox to fend for themselves. Right. I pumped my legs harder, my feet clumsily eating up the distance between me and the cars and I veered off to the right. When I got close to the doorway, I spotted my candle still burning. With a little hop, I was over it and into the room. 

"Casey!" I shouted as I scrambled to a stop. Trying to locate the door to the basement stairs. "We got to go!" I spun in a circle a little too fast I had to take a step forward to catch my balance. As I wobbled to stay upright and on spot, I saw I wasn't alone anymore and it wasn't a friendly face or at least one I knew. 

Sigyn stood before me. I knew it was her the moment I laid my eyes on her. Something deep inside recognized her even in the yard. Kicking myself for not getting to the car like a smart person would have done. Well, I might as well take in what my killer will look like. I was nowhere near ready to face her, I had no choice but to squash my nerves and face it like a champ. Racking my brain I hit the auto-pilot button, so I wasn't wasting precious brain power. 

I studied her features. Starting with her long curly hair, I noticed her hair had lighter roots, letting me know, she dyes her hair. But why?  Good question, I held that thought. I shifted feeling awkward but that quickly disappeared. A warm fuzzy feeling filled my body, it started in my heart and worked its way out. I felt comforted, I didn't quite trust it though. My other self was uneasy. 

Quickly I was captivated by her unnervingly pale eyes. Feeling like I have seen her before but not being able to recall the occurrence -which was beyond annoying- I continued staring. Her eyes were also giving off a kind, motherly vibe. Taking my gaze away from her eyes and to her straight-edged nose, it sat in the most pleasing fashion on her face. Moving my glance down I saw she was smiling, her light pink thin lips spread over almost perfect teeth. Her skin was fair, and she didn't look much older than me honestly. She was wearing a simple dark blue dress and no shoes. Her feet weren't dirty like I thought they should be.  The desire to kneel at her feet and just pray for forgiveness was one I had to fight. 

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