Deal with the Devil

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*Xander's POV*

I really didn't want to leave her, she looked so peaceful. I felt like I was right where I am suppose to be. Why did work have to be done? I could feel like panic tickle the back of my mind as I thought about all the things she still doesn't know. I brushed it aside, it didn't really matter at this point. I knew she would fight my demons and well I'd go to hell to save her from herself.

I may not be able to tell her right now, but I'm sure she knew. I slowly and carefully laid her on her back and detangled myself from her. I pressed a kiss to her cheek and climbed out of bed. Shooting tingles raced through my arm as blood finally circulated. I quietly creeped out of her room. Joining the others and ignoring their looks. I got down to business.

"I see no reason why James is upset or disappointed in what we captured. We even got activity besides what Theresa did. On both the interview day and when we investigating. We did a really good job with this one guys. So tomorrow I want you all to just let me deal with him. There is no real point in going over things again." I looked out the window and saw the sun had long since set. I looked around my group they all looked beat and well I felt that.

"Guys just go home. We will all meet tomorrow in the parking lot, about a half hour before the meeting. Everyone cool with that?" They nodded and muttered their agreements, they collected their things and left. I didn't miss Maddox and Casey stealing a quick kiss when they thought no one was looking. Casey went into her room and I didn't think twice. I went back to Theresa's room. I was almost to the bed when Ma'ii came to me and gave me "I gotta pee dude" look. I found her leash easy enough; Theresa had left it on the end table by the door. Ma'ii lost her mind in excitement when she saw it. She really was like a puppy. I quickly creaked open the door. Thankfully slept like the dead and Casey's light was still on. Ma'ii bound beside me out into the yard. We walked, she sniffed. After a couple circles around the yard, she had did her thing.

We had just reached the door, when I felt like I was being watched. I surveyed the area around me and found no one. Ma'ii growled not so quietly. Still nothing to be seen by me. Ok. We were in the house about 0.7 seconds later. No, I don't play, the door was locked as soon as it was closed. I took the leash off the pup and with her on my heels and all but run back to the bedroom. I got back into the bed before I got completely comfortable, I heard a little yip I looked over the edge of the bed and saw Ma'ii giving me a pitiful look. I picked her up and placed her on the foot of the bed. I turned the bedside light off, and cuddled Theresa. She sighed happily as I wrapped my arms around her. I knew right then what I think I knew this entire time. She is the one for me. Now if only I was the one for her. I fell into a not quite restful sleep.

Morning came way quicker than I thought it would. I woke up in almost the exact way I went to sleep. Oddly enough, I didn't mind. My face was covered in white blonde hair, my arms wrapped around a soft, warm waist. With my eyes closed, the sounds of her sleeping was all I could hear. It lured me back to sleep. I was pushing off the morning and the meeting, if only for a little longer. I knew this wasn't going to go well.

"Xander?" A soft voice cut through my sleep. I felt someone touch my shoulder. My arms were empty. There was no warmth beside me. I cracked my one eye open. Yup there she was, staring at me with worry written on her face. Her hair was wet so like normal she showered first thing. Never in my life have I met someone who showered as often as her. Whatever makes her happy. I have no complaints, she always smells amazing. I sat up and stretched, letting out a monster yawn, Theresa's eyebrows shot to her hairline, her face was priceless. I couldn't help but laugh at her. I slowly stood up and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her relax and hug me back. We just stood there for a moment, it didn't get awkward or uncomfortable. We were both at peace. I just so happen to look at the clock on her little table.

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