A Chip in Her Armor

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I finally dragged myself off the couch, I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom.
Ma'ii had followed me in and laid on the floor while I took a quick shower. Even quick ones make me feel better.

I will never tired of beingand feeling clean.

After getting dried off and dressed, I walked out to the living room to found the whole crew. They were all stuffing their faces and talking about the show. Casey must have ordered the entire menu from the local pizza place; Pizza Palace.

Of course Xander saved me a spot on the couch it was between him and Maddox. I was more than a little surprised to see Casey just about hanging off Maddox. I sat next to them. Xander handed me a plate.

"I made sure to grab you some before it was all gone." On the plate was my favorite foods from the Palace and, possibly in general.

Mozzarella sticks and a piece of cheese pizza with white sauce.

I hadn't realize I was hungry until I smelled the delicious aroma wafting up from my plate.

I enjoyed the smell for all about 2 seconds, before diving into it. It didn't last long after that.

Ma'ii was just laying on floor in the corner. The group gave her a few weird looks but no one said anything.

The silence that was over the group as they eat, was rare. Everyone was tense, none knew what to expect at the meeting.

It was starting to get awkward.

With each passing minute, it got worse. I couldn't take it anymore; I got up, I started collecting everyone's trash, and cleaning up the living room and kitchen. The pitter-pattering on the floor, told me I wasn't alone. I throw all the napkins and empty containers away.

After a few moments of searching I found tubware for the leftovers.

I had everything put away and the dishes washed, when Xander wandered into the kitchen.

I didn't even have to turn from the sink to know he was there. I could feel him looking at me too. I could feel the small smile appear on my face. The smile I now knew was only for him. I knew he was here to check on me.

That made heart do a little flip, for some reason that made me happy. I turned to face him, his inhale was clearly heard across the room.

"Are you alright?" The worry I felt was clear in my voice. He just nodded and continue to stare at me. My eyebrows furrow before I could help it.

He smiled at me. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

My heart jumped and I don't know did a round-house kick. It felt like my lungs and ribs were being tickled.

I couldn't stop myself from moving. My head snapped up and with his head being so close. I could feel his breath on my face.

If this had been anyone else I am sure I would have lost it.

I was just lost in the odd look he had on his face, I watched him close his eyes and take a small breath. Letting it out slowly, he stepped back.

Disappointment and hurt washed over me like an acid bath. Burning every nerve ending from my face to my stomach.

Leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

Followed by embarrassment and shame. Settling like salt in my open wounds.

I got mad, the hellfire coiling in response. I didn't like feeling weak, which is exactly what I felt now.

I sucked on my teeth and turned. I realized I didn't have much left to do in the kitchen.

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