A Familiar for Theresa

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Xander woke me up and he was panicking.

We woke up late! Like way behind schedule to get back in time for this meeting. So I rushed outta his room and to mine. I found Cas had everything collected, I was almost touched until I remembered we didn't bring much in with us anyway.

"CAS, ITS TIME TO GO!!" I yelled, room shatteringly loud, as I grabbed my stuff.

I raced down the hallway and through the lobby. I tried my best to not drop anything out of my full arms. Xander had came down and unlocked the car already, I throw my stuff in the front seat and planted my ass in shotgun.

Cas can't call it if I'm already claiming it, right? Feeling smug in my seat, I fidgeted with my phone. Casey came out after a few moments.

She did not look to happy that, I beat her to the front seat but she dealt with it. She yanked open the seat and threw her stuff. She sat down with a huff.  Not a word was exchanged as we waited for Xander.

I hadn't bothered to look at the time. Glancing at the dash clock it read in dull green lights that it was a little after 2, somehow we all slept over 12 hours.

Xander came running down the sidewalk into the parking garage carrying a box of my father's books. I guess that was the last one because he hopped in. The look on his face was frazzled like there was no tomorrow.

He didn't even bother with his phone for music. Cranking the car on he slammed it into reverse and peeled out of the parking spot. With screaming tires and the smell of burnt rubber we sped out. Racing down the highway, Xander didn't second guess himself.

Casey took it upon herself to gps the directions. She only spoke when she had to repeat what it said.

Yeah, she was definitely still peeved from yesterday. I'm sure me taking the front seat didn't really help her mood. It wasn't like she really wanted to sit up front. I deejayed since no one else was. I didn't feel like dealing with the tension in the car.

In my spare time, something I felt like I wasn't getting nearly enough of anymore, I was checking out all kinds of music. I would pick a year that I had missed and listen to the top 100 songs.

I have yet to make it through a whole year. I've decided in my research I like Rock music, so I put one of those stations on. We are cruising down the highway.

We stop briefly at the border of Oklahoma for a pee break and gathering more junk food. I fall asleep after a while, I wake up to us in a little truck stop. Xander and Casey are switching off driving duties.

I decide I would rather not witness Casey driving down the highway.

I sleep for I'm not even sure how long. Eventually my neck gets too sore from sleeping sitting up, down side to being shotgun.

I see a sign for the Texas border I have to wonder how long I was asleep for.

Much to my bitching Casey stops for breakfast.

I get a coffee drink for Xander for whenever he decides to grace us with his presentence. The Texas border came and went, I looked at our route and was thankful we were basically following the top border across.

We stop again and Casey rather forcibly wakes Xander up. Gulping the drink I got him down with the quickness. We were speeding off once again. I zoned out listening to the heavy riff and the rhythmic thumping of the drums. I may have dozed off for a bit. I am pretty sure that it was like 3 in the morning so it was okay.

I woke up to the sun burning my face. My face was plastered to the window. I peeled my face off and noticed I had left a drool trail behind. the New Mexico and Arizona's border came and went.

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