~Imagine #28~

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Ok so this one is going to be where the reader is really quiet and all that so if you're not then just go with it for the imagine. And f/n means friend's name and r/n means random name.

"GO!" A very loud voice yelled, blowing a whistle after. I jumped and looked up from the floor, which I was staring at.

I had zoned out making the noise scare me a little.

"Okay, just pay attention," I told myself. Everyone always goes for the less athletic people in the back first. And I'm one of those people.

I always end up getting hurt during this game because I pay attention to what goes on with everyone else and not myself.

I'm determined to not let that happen this time.

Some of the really girly girls screamed to the left side of me even though the ball was clearly far enough to not hit any of them.

"Ugh, their so annoying." Bff/n said, now standing to my right. "Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes. We smiled at each other.

If I'm being honest, girls like that aren't my favorite to be around. I mean, they scream for no reason and be as loud as possible.

"Watch out!" Bff/n exclaimed. I ducked to let the ball hit the wall behind me.

A little while later, almost everyone was out on my team. Except for like three other people.

Then there were two on each team. The guy on my team was a really good player so maybe it wouldn't be much longer until the game ended. I'm actually kind of friends with him, too.

"Hey, you should try to get one of them out and I'll get the other." He ran up beside me to hand me a ball.

"You sure? I'm not that good." I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, come on. You can do it."

"Ok then." We walked up closer to the line that seperates the teams.

The two of them, one that just so happens to be C/n, were talking about something because we had every one of the balls on our side.

They were still paying attention, but not as much. We were about half way to the line now, standing a good distance apart.

F/n threw one at r/n, but they dodged it. Now it was my turn.

C/n turned to r/n because they had said something, and I guess he didn't see me there or something.

I got up the courage to throw the ball I had at him. My aim was better than I thought it would be considering the distance.

I got him out, and f/n got r/n out a second after.

Bff/n ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders. I glanced at C/n, and he was looking at me.

He gave me a small smile and nodded once, meaning that he was telling me good job.

"Dude, you just got him out!" She whispered excitedly. "Yeah, I know." I shrugged like it was no big deal, but I was freaking out on the inside over everything that just happened.

"We have talk about this later because they're about to start a new game." She said.


And to no surprise, I was one of the first to get out this time. I sat on the bleachers next to my bag, and got out my phone and ear buds to listen to music.

A few minutes later I felt a presence beside me. I looked up to see C/n.

"Hey." He gave me a smile that lit up the room, making me smile before I knew it.

"Uh, hi." I replied, being my awkward self. "Okay, I'm going to be honest."

My breathing came to a stop as I waited for him to finish.

"You seem like you would really be good at sports." I let out the breath I was holding. "And very nervous right now." He added, laughing a little.

"Oh, yeah. I thought you were going to be mad." I said, not telling the full reason.

"Why would I be mad?" C/n questioned. "Maybe because I, the shy person no one would expect something like that from, got you out."

"I don't think I could be mad at you anyway." He gave me another bright smile. "Why is that?"

"Because you're way too pretty and amazing to be mad at over something stupid like what happened."

I could feel my entire face go red.

"Are you saying what happened is stupid?" I asked, trying not to think about his statement too much. If I do, then I might actually have a heart attack.

"No," he laughed, "what I'm trying to say is do you want to hang out some time? Like to get to know each other better."

I smiled, "Yeah, I'd like that."


Ok I know this sucked but I haven't updated in a while so I was trying to get something uploaded.

But anyway I want to tell you guys a little about a dream I had last night that was very weird but the best one I've actually ever had

Ok so basically the main/best part was that I met Ryan Ross and we hugged for a long time, which I'm not complaining about, and it was LIKE I COULD ACTUALLY FEEL THE HUG

I woke up and almost cried bc I love him so much and want to meet him even tho I don't know what I would do if I had the chance.

And another thing is that I noticed that it seems like my crush looks at me or around me more often when I see him and i really hope that he hasn't seen me looking at him and just wants to see how often I do it or something. Or he likes my friend which would suck for me 😂😂😂

Next time I get the chance I'm probably going to ask her what she would do if he did like her and not me lol

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