~Imagine #29~

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"Yeah, I know that they don't know." I rolled my eyes at C/n. We were currently in the school gym waiting for everyone to get here and the bell to ring. No one else was in here.

We started off talking about whatever, and then one thing led to another and we started arguing. We've been dating for about four months now, not including the two months we spent getting to know each other, and he still doesn't want anyone to know.

I figured it was about time to tell our friends, but nope.

"They probably do, but they just don't ever bring it up." C/n tried to convince me. "No, they don't. Why won't you tell them?"

"Don't worry about that."

"I think I have the right to know the reason, don't I?" I crossed my arms. By now a few people have started to get here, and C/n's friends would be here soon since they get here early, too.

"Yes, but-" I cut him off, "Just tell me then." C/n looked at the door. His friends started to walk inside.

"We can talk about this later. I have to go." He looked like he was trying to hurry to get away from me. "Oh," he stopped, "I get it." He didn't turn back to me.

"You're ashamed of me."

His friends were looking at us with confused faces. C/n finally turned back to me but he was still about a yard away.

"What?" He whispered. "You're ashamed of me. I get it. If you want to break up then-"

"No, don't ever say that." He walked back and stood directly in front of me. "Then why-" he cut me off again, but in a different way this time.

He kissed me.

This was the first time he kissed me, and his friends were watching. I would have thought that this wouldn't be how it happened.

"I'm not ashamed of you. You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and I love you so much. Please don't ever think that. Now I'm going to go tell them. I love you." He smiled at me. "I love you, too." I returned the gesture. As C/n walked away, I noticed Bff/n standing there with her mouth open.

I've got a lot of explaining to do.


Ok so I was wondering if anyone would want me to do like a girl x girl or boy x boy or something like that?

Or like the imagine is told from the guy's point of view.

I just think it would be kinda fun to write but I don't know if anyone would want to read it.

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