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Monika had concluded the day's end, and confirmed that we had had a healthy experience sharing each other's writing skills and preferences. I was glad that each of the girls had opened up to me.

I was packing up my things, as Natsuki had already headed out, and watched as Sayori waited for me. "What are you doing? I don't need help, or anything." I said to her.

Sayori perked up, bubbly as always. "I'm not going home alone, silly! I just need someone at all times, you know?" she said, dwindling back and forth patiently.

I sighed as I packed up the last of my things, and looked at Yuri, who was staring intently at me.

"It must be nice to have somebody to walk home with every day..." Yuri said softly.

"Eh, I could digress..." I said with an exhaust of distress, eye-balling over at Sayori in a fatigued fashion.

Yuri looked at me strangely, "I wish we could walk home together." she spoke in an almost buoyant manner. She then shook her head in alarm, and blushed madly, "I mean! If that would be okay with you sometime..." she held her head tremblingly with one hand, "Why am I always like this..?"

I paused and helped Yuri put her bag over her shoulder as she stood idle, almost immobilized by my touch. "You can walk home with me anytime, Yuri. Just text me, remember?" I said to her.

Watching from along the sidelines, Sayori seemed a little bit disgruntled by the way I addressed Yuri. I made my way to her, and began to walk home, as Monika reminded us; "Don't forget to write another poem!"

On the way back, Sayori remained mute, which was more than odd for her. "Something on your mind?" I finally speak.

"No," Sayori said, "I'm just happy you're so amecable with the other girls, I don't know what to think. You're just so interesting, you know?" she said, as her stomach rumbled. "Ohhh-ohh..."

I sighed. "...Do you want to stop by and get a snack?" I said, as she smiled.

That night I had written another poem that resided among the aspects of mystery, collusion and obscure naturistics, to see what Yuri would think about it. I had also used a similar set of imagery that she had implemented in her poem she gave to me this evening.

The next morning, I sat by my housegate a little longer than usual. Sayori hadn't shown up yet, she must've slept in. "That pea-brain..."

I knocked on her door, no answer. I had to let myself in, like we used to when we were kids. I called for her multiple times, without an answer.

Feeling queasy about doing so, I opened Sayori's bedroom door; she was sitting down on her rolling chair, half-asleep on her desk.

"What're you doing, sleepyhead?" I said gently, nudging her shoulder as she flew up, exhausted.

"Hey..." she spoke, seeming whoozy, a little more silly than usual. "...Is poem time over yet?"

"Poem time hasn't even started yet. Let's get to school Sayori, we're both going to be late." I confronted her, pulling her up, and letting her prepare before we arrive.

Today felt almost painstaking, waiting for my classes to end, so I can see the girls again. It's so unfortunate that I don't have any classes with them, just a bunch of neutral, mundane people; it's the main reason I simply just despise being around other people. I guess that's what makes Yuri and I similar.

At least, when my final period ended, my tranquility was restored. Seeing the room as barren as it always is, with all of the comfortable girls scattered around the room.

Monika tilted her head and smiled at Sayori, whomst I had to drag out of her last period because of how enervated she was. "She was a bit sleepy today." I informed of Sayori's habits to Monika.

Yuri gestured me to approach her with only the sense of her eyes, she seemed excited to see me. "Hi -kun," she greeted to me.

"Hey, Yuri. Are you feeling alright today?" I asked her.

"Yes, seeing you always makes me feel alright..." she said, not even a shudder of her common stammering. "Can we read together?" she asked, already.

Nodding my head while setting my things down, I comply, "Of course, Yuri."

Before I could set my things down at our usual desk arrangement, she interrupted me briefly. "-kun, do you mind if we sit on the floor? My back just aches today, and-"

She paused, and darted her eyes all across the room. "It just... my back is... uh..." she scavenged heavily for an excuse to not sit in a desk, so I decided to make up for it.

"Because your posture, right? All hunched up like that, it must hurt; I understand. I'll take your book, Yuri." I smiled to her, hopefully calming her down.

Yuri clasped hands joyously while her mouth gaped open. "Yes! My posture is just terrible..."

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