Epilogue III. Diseased.

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—— Gore Warning ——

The content you are about to read may (Most likely) come off as very disturbing, and will likely induce displeasure in the rather sensitive portion of the audience.

Please note that this is not some sick desire of mine, and simply to fit the criteria of the character, as sadistically as possible.

With that out of the way, I advise you to be prepared.

Thanks for the recent support.


As the moon waned, I lie awake, yet unaware of what it looked like. I was awake, in my mind. This state didn't even phase me anymore, and I was awaiting an entity to reveal itself. The void? No, no, not at all. Rather, a similar vortex, a place I remember yet have never visited. You could say, that I was in a vacant space whereas the rest of existence was ignored and rendered as fault, an error to the force that projected upon my mind. This was not malice, but revolutionary; a realm where I could act as the legislature to an awaiting world, eager to hear my decisions.

Unfortunately, this was no realm for one such as myself to cast out law. I didn't want to, anyhow. I'm no god, I'm not deserving of such a role.

I hovered there, in the expansive space, my eyes closed patiently.

"It took a lot of time for me to decide on whether or not I should do this."

I shook a bit, recollecting the situation. She spoke, before I could respond to her entrance prior.

Monika held a stolid expression on her face, half stern, half in a humdrum. "I still love you, I hope you didn't forget that."

"Should I even be surprised?" I asked spitefully.

She blushed, and looked to the side. "No. I'm adament on you being the love of my life..." She sighed with a dismal lowering of the head, "You know, if you just let me treat you like the king I wanted you to be, I'd give you the ability to do whatever you wanted with this world," she continued, with yet another pause, "Even if you wanted to erase me from existence. You would have the power, baby."

Though with a trembling fear, I spoke with confidence, "Are you going to alter my life again, put me months back to the past, kill one of my friends again? What's to come tonight, Monika?"

She approached me, and hugged me. I didn't return the embrace.

"Come on... You can at least thank your god for giving you what you wanted..." she murmurred.

I gave her a weak pat on the back, and retracted. "Not at all, silly goose. I just wanted to give you advice. I'm afraid you're in a little bit of a pickle with this one, pumpkin."

I shot her a look, one that permitted her to continue. I was certainly perplexed.

Monika fiddled with her hands and traveled miles along the empty space with the wondering of her eyes. "Nobody's different, baby. You've been analyzing things too hard."

"What?" I asked, in slight appall. "But Yuri, she's tame, she's shy... Sayori is as bright as ever, and Natsuki hasn't given anybody attitude at all, and-"

"I tried to get to you throughout the day, sweetheart. You never listened. You triggered an event that wasn't supposed to happen, and," Monika choked on her words, and stared grimly down below her, "You put yourself into a bad situation."

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