VI. Pacify

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hey, big ups to the people who've been following up on this piece, as well as the compliments, i really adore all of them. <3

also, the photo above is indeed my art. feel free to check it out. :)

thk uu :::)))


I woke up very late into the day, a rainy one at that. It took me a while to realize the position I was in; Yuri and I were still completely naked, her body still locked onto mine.

The intercourse stench was fetid, although slightly aesthetic, putting me in a semi-good mood to start the day off. I patted multiple spots around me, including Yuri's head, attempting to look for my phone.

"Ah," I interjected, finding it on the floor.


Wow, I've never slept in so late... To be honest, I didn't plan on heading to school anyway. Although, Yuri doesn't seem to be the typical person to be clement about truancy.

I tapped her head in an awkward manner. It's a good thing that the feeble light of the rain kept each other from completely seeing our naked selves.

It took her awhile to arise. She held her head up ponderously and gave me a fairly indiscreet and dull stare.

From unaware to knowledgable, Yuri's eyes lit up immediately, and buried her face back into my chest.

"Hey," I began, "Come on, You weren't shy last night..."

Yuri shook her head and let out a sheepish mewl.

"Here," I said, sitting up, as Yuri came closer to my body, and clung even tighter than I remembered, her whole body wrapped around my abdomen. "You didn't eat last night."

"Neither did you," Yuri spoke. She paused for a short while and continued, "I'm so sorry..."

"Please relax..." I assured her, patting her head.

A while passed, as I finally became unlinked from Yuri. I left the living room to let her change, or at the very least, find the clothes she casted across the room.

I reentered the room with a casual wear, something more comfortable. Yuri was face down, yet again, buried into a sweaty clutter of my clothes.

"They probably reek," I said, laughing a little bit. "Do you want some of my clothes? Your uniform doesn't exactly seem comfortable.

"No, I-I mean, yes of course! Can I keep them?" Yuri asked, holding her hands valiantly against her chest.

I sighed and headed up the steps. I began shuffling through a bunch of old clothing items of mine. As I did this, it seemed as if the rain grew more vigorous.


Turning to face the sudden sound, Yuri was peaking from behind the side my door frame. She now was wearing only her peplum bra and panties, lecherously black.

"You're going to freeze, come here." I asked her.

Yuri walked in and pressed her breasts softly against my back, causing me to shiver abruptly.

"A-Ah!" Yuri whimpered, "Are you okay?" she asked in a worried tone.

I laughed slightly, "Yeah, it's cool..." I assured her, continuing to dig through the disarray of clothing choices.

After digging for a while, I managed to pull out a small, striped, longsleeve shirt from far back into a lower-hand drawer. I took a nice, geometric perspective of the shirt and gathered that it would fit her just right; at least, I thought.

"Hey, how about this?" I asked, turning to face her.

Yuri didn't seem to persist from binding her body to mine, she was now practically locking my derrière with her legs.

Yuri's cheeks saturated into a usual red, a deep one at that. "-kun... Can I keep this with me?" she asked, tenderly taking the shirt from me.

"Yeah, I don't care about it. Probably doesn't fit me anymore, anyways."

Without hesitation, Yuri slid the shirt down, the rims on the bottom of the shirt remaining on top of her breasts, which even caused me to feel a little embarrassed.

When the shirt finally flew down, Yuri had revealed her cherry-esque face, quivered mouth and widened eyes. "I-it, it uh..." she stuttered.

"What's the-"

I guess I was wrong. The shirt didn't even reach down past her belly button; it was too small.

"Gee, I'm sorry. I'll find you a new-"

"No! No... Not at all -kun. I love it! It smells just like you..." she said, grasping my hands with her's.

We stood up in unison, and advanced closer to each other. "It's perfect. -kun, you're perfect. Everything you do to me is perfect," she spoke.

I widened my eyes, whilst the thought of school and the club lingered in my head. "Oh, man," I said, walking away slightly and eyeballing my phone, "Yuri, I forgot to tell you, uh..."

"Yes? What is it, -kun? I'm here." Yuri said, pursuing me once more, clinging onto my shoulder softly.

"...We kind of missed school today. I'm sorry, I would've waken you up, I didn't want to ruin any perfect attendance, or anything like that," I said, but stopped myself from rambling on, "Sorry..."

Yuri's face remained absentminded. "I don't care. I don't want to see anybody other than you," she held onto me tight, "I hate thinking of another girl being in the same room with you."

Yuri's pupils seem to have dilated gradually, as she held the collar of my shirt. "I would kill anyone that even comes in contact with you... I really would!" she uttered, staring up at me.

"Come on, don't say that." I said, holding onto her hand. "We'll go back tomorrow..." I said, hesitating on continuing, "You can stay over again if you want."

Fortunately, I had the strange and ironic tolerance and comfortability to let Yuri stay another day. I just hope she will be fine going home alone after today.

We stood in silence for a while.

"Can I live with you -kun?"

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