V. The Verb, Love

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On my doorstep layed a white envelope, a cheap pink heart sticker keeping the letter enclosed.

"What's this?" I said, Yuri peering over my shoulder. I slid a used credit card under the sticker to open the envelope, and began to read.


What's going on, -kun? Thought you might be worried about me... Maybe. So, I decided to write to you! Yeah, I know, it's stupid. I could've simply walked a few feet next door to talk to you in person, but I'm feeling too dreary to walk out the door, as of lately... I've just been really, well, depressed. I know it's stupid to (There was a very poor erase mark over the word 'hear', replaced with the next word)– see me say that. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'll probably be back in a day or two to join the club. Tell Monika and the others that I said hi!

Love, Sayori

There were a bunch more glittery, hideous stickers stamped at the bottom of the note, unnecessarily colourful smiley faces, hearts and stars.

I have to admit, I felt a little bad. I stared up at her window and pondered about her safety. Depression? Weird.

Opening the door, Yuri held her hand onto mine, when I had made an attempt to turn on a nearby lamp.

"Can you keep the lights off? I can see you in the dark, I'm used to it." she asked, almost in an excited way.

I nodded. "Just for a second, I have to organize some of my stuff. Before I can sit down," I said, taking my shoes off, tossing them under the coffee table in front of my sofa.

"I don't blame you, I'm the same way."

She blushed madly and ran her hands softly up her chest.

I spent a while loosening up, I needed some rest anyhow. Though, by the time I had gotten in my loose, comfy clothing, dusk had fallen upon us. Yuri was standing in the same spot as she was the moment we stepped foot in the house.

"Hey, come on... Don't be shy." I cajoled her into having a seat on my couch. I took her hand as her cheeks lit up in flames once again.

I sat her down on the couch as she looked up at me in awe. "You're so nice to me... You're too nice to me..." she said, suddenly now in a more calm manner.

Tugging down on the lamp, the lights went out, and I could barely see Yuri, with only the dull blue sky to offer light. "Hey, I've never seen you eat before, can I get you anything? I have lots of junk food in the kit-"

Frightening me with an instant flash of approach, Yuri pounced on top of me, knocking me against the wall, one hand grabbing the side of my stomach, and another wrapping it's way around my head, pulling it towards her's.

Her breaths were suddenly let aloud, heavily panting in a half dreary, half sexual fashion.

"Yuri..." I whispered to her. I was under way too much pressure to think of anything right now.

"-kun, you're the only person I've ever had in my life, I've never even had a family to be frank... And now you're the only person I want to be with, for the rest of my life! I will DIE if I'm not with you -kun!" Yuri said to me, her erotic voice and weighted breaths sporadically intervening her speech.

She pulled me from the wall, and threw me carelessly onto the couch, as I uttered a few sounds of discontent. Once again, she jumped up onto my body and leaned over me.

"Oh... -kun, I feel like the happiest little girl in the world... There was never a day where I thought I'd be able to share contact with my beloved -kun!" Yuri told me. I could feel her warm, sudden tears collapse onto my face, a couple of them mixing in my eye fluids, others filling my mouth with a warm, salty taste.

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