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"I have to take this to the others, but I wouldn't mind if you had it." I assured Yuri, taking the poem from her welcoming hands.

"YES!" she perked, seeming oddly exhilarated. I wondered to myself, if my writing had compelled her to adore me this much. I can't quite complain though.

Yuri handed me her poem as well.

II. Sepulchur

Spiraling in colour,
The differentiation will never end,
Changing, expanding, a triangular circulation.
Dust, debauchery, death,
An endless alabaster of meaningless colours.

The noises, they will never end,
His voice of violence compells me,
Grating waveforms excel the misery.
Sine, cosine, tangent.
His screams are like banshees in a hall of mirrors,
His screams remind me of my analgesic tears,
An endless cacophony of meaningless noise.

Love me.

Her poem seemed a bit off, I couldn't quite comprehend the meaning of it. It also seemed to be stained in a thick, watery substance, but I'm sure it's nothing. "It's quite complex." I say to her.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to express my mind, I knew you wouldn't judge me..." she said, smiling.

I nodded, handed her poem back to her, and returned a pleasant expression.

Next, I gave my poem to Monika, as Sayori watched from behind yet again. Monika pulled it away from her face to speak, "I wouldn't expect you to be this talented when writing! I'm super glad you decided to join..."

Monika eyed Yuri blandly from across the room, watching her sit at her desk, blankly staring off at the sky. "I'm sure Yuri adored it." she said so, knowing that this is the second day in a row that I had shared my poem with Yuri first.

Sayori smiled, "Yuri loved his writing, and I love it too!" she shot me a strange grin, "Look at -kun, being a little lovebird with Yuri..." she said, chuckling to Monika.

"Cut it out..." I said, taking my poem from Monika, as she smiled warmly.

I took my poem to Natsuki next. She looked up at me from her desk, putting her poorly conditioned manga away, looking kind of pouty. "What do you want? I know you're just forcing yourself to talk to me..."

I looked at her in a puzzling way. "What? Come on."

"No, you come on." she stared at me, finding something to say as a counterattack, "Whatever. Here, have something to laugh at."

Natsuki handed me her paper, still attached to the coils in her notebook. I read it thoroughly, as her handwriting was thick and bubbly.


When a storm is coming,
All other birds seek shelter.
The eagle alone, avoids the storm above it.
So, in the storms of life,
May your heart soar like an eagle.

Natsuki seemed to have put in a vague, meaningful sense of literature into her poem this time, it felt quite serene.

"I really like the last line." I tell her.

Natsuki smirked and held her hadn out confidently. "I know, right? I put a lot of time thinking about the strengths in life, and how eagles are strong and independent, so I compared them into the poem."
She laughed triumphantly and stood up out of her chair. "Facillitated enough for you now!? HAHAHA!"

"Sophisticated..." Monika corrected her, laughing alongside Sayori.

"SOPHISTICATED!" Natsuki yelled.

I sighed and shook my head, "Yes, I think you did a really great job today, keep it up." I handed the poem back to Natsuki. She smiled at me, and blushed slightly.

"I wish you spent more time with me, instead of Yuri. You're really cool for a dude." Natsuki began, now with a less inane tone, "Maybe we can read a manga together, and talk about all the cool characters and-" Natsuki stopped for a second.

"I mean, if you want..." she finally returned to her neutral attitude.

Nodding to her, I spoke, "Sure Natsuki, I don't have a problem with that, hah."

Later on; I felt displeased about seeing Yuri alone, unsociable as expected however, sitting at her desk without a visible emotion whatsoever. I decided to visit her again, maybe it will make her happy again.

Handing my poem to her, I sat next to her, "What's wrong? You seem so down all of a sudden."

She took the piece of paper with vigor, and smiled in relief. "I'm so glad you're giving this to me -kun, I didn't want anybody else to touch it..."

Yuri seemed highly protective or my poem, even though I didn't necessarily build the paper up to be a love letter.

"Sorry Yuri. I didn't know what Monika would say about that," I said to her.

"Can we walk home together?" Yuri asked me with a hopeful ring to her voice.

I looked at her with a hint of questioning, unbeknownst to what I could've foreseen from her intentions. Regardless, I obliged, not thinking of Sayori.

"Of course."

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