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Sayori waited for me by the exit, holding my stuff on her shoulder. I didn't quite now how to break it to her, that I was going to walk home with Yuri today. I arrived holding my hand out for my handbag. "You don't have to hold my stuff all the time," I assured her, taking my bag from her.

She nodded compliently and simpered a smile. "I know! I just wanted to be nice, is all. You could at least say thank you..." she dimmed down in tone, puffing one of her cheeks out in a sulky way.

Sighing in dismay, I replied, "Thanks... I'm gonna head home with Yuri today, she uh..." I turned to face her abruptly, her liquidating eyes giving me that same intimidating feeling of butterflies fluttering around in my chest. "Her back aches, and I just want to make sure she arrives home safe, is all."

Sayori's smile faded drastically. "Ah, come on, you know I can't walk home by myself... Can't I come with you?" she asked, seeming oddly desperate to walk home with me.

"Relax, it's just for today," I assured her effortlessly.

Yuri and I exited the building, jaunting along the sidewalk as the sun relinquished to a sherbert orange tint. We didn't speak much, but it felt nice to have a quiet walk anyways, I was never really a fan of talking.



"You and Sayori seem close..."

Vexation harboured over my mind simply by hearing her mention it. "Absolutely not," I proclaimed. "We haven't the slightest of being close, she's just a plague."

Retracing what I had just said kind of came off harsh to me. I'm surprised I was this heartless to just talk so loathesomely of her.

"Your vocabulary reveals such excellence, -kun. I just love saying your name, I really feel comfortable around you. I hope I don't annoy you..." she began running on, almost seeming to hyperventilate in excitement.

I found it odd that she didn't say anything about what I had said about Sayori.

We approached near to Yuri's house, "Do you mind standing here with me until the sun plummets?" she asked; I nodded.

By Yuri's housegate, she and I stood by one of the two small, erect pillars that connected the gate together. We watched as the sun set, Yuri held onto my arm and kneaded her head down into my neck, as she almost appeared to be sleeping on me.


Yuri's breathing got heavier and heavier as the minutes went by. I could hear every 'Haah, haah...' she muttered, as her breathing constant became rudgid, almost in a sexual way.

"Hey, are you asleep?" I asked, facing her direction, tapping her shoulder. "Hey."

Yuri poked her head out of my neck, "No, no, I'm sorry -kun, I was just bathing in the sensation of your body heat."

I smiled at Yuri, and opened her housegate for her. "Get some rest, and don't forget to write another good poem for tomorrow."

Yuri nodded and scurried into her house. I was worried about her.



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The next day was Friday. I had recollected that Natsuki and Monika were wanting me to spend more time with them one day, but I just had the strange feeling that I simply didn't want to do so.

Today I wanted to read with Yuri.

I set my bag down later on after class, almost immediately recalling that Monika wasn't in the room, Sayori shot me a bizarre look from a foot or two away. "I wonder where Monika is today." I pondered, Yuri smiling at me from across the room.

Natsuki peered out from under her manga, "Hey... Yeah! Where is she!?" she boasted, darting her eyes across the room like a psychopath. She suddenly paused and gritted her teeth, as everyone else in the room stared at her quizically.

"She has a BOYFR-!" Natsuki was suddenly interrupted by Monika entering the classroom, panting in exhaustion.

Monika scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, "Hah... Sorry I was late, guys. I was-"

"Hanging out with your new BOYFRIE-"

"Not quite!" Monika blurted alloud, seeming quite stalled by Natsuki's sustained interruptions. "My last period is practically a study hall, so I don't have much to entertain myself with. So, I decided to spend my free time practicing the piano down in the band room."

Sayori smiled at Monika and gently clapped her hands. "Oo! Can you play a song for us?" she asked. Sayori's always been very vibrant when it came to music, she had no distastes nor favourites, she just enjoyed melodies in general. I always found it weird to never dislike at least some kinds of music, but I guess Sayori deviates from the negativity.

"Eh, maybe some other time... After all, I've only just started practicing, and whatnot; I'm not very great, yet." Monika claimed, still seeming quite timid about the whole thing. "I guess I lost track of time!"

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