*I'm sorry(chapter 3)*

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ان الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة الا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وابشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون نحن اولياؤكم في الحياه الدنيا وفي الاخره ولكم فيها ماتشتهي انفسكم ولكم فيها ماتدعون نزل من غفور رحيم ومن احسن قولا ممن دعا الى الله من دعا الى الله وعمل صالحا وقال انني من المسلمين ولا تستوي الحسنة ولا السيئه ادفع بالتي هي احسن فاذا الذي بينك وبينه عداوة كانه ولي حميم وما يلقاها الا الذين صبروا وما يلقاها الا ذو حظ عظيم واما ينزغنك من الشيطان نزغ فاستعذ بالله انه هو السميع العليم (سورة فصلت)

Aneesah's POV

Believing in destiny is one of the pillars of Islam....just like how i accepted my family's wish earlier at dinner, that's how you accept every situation Allah brings forth to you and you pray for the best.

The gift box was placed infront of me by mom as she beamed
"i was going to tell you but Ramadan kept pressuring me... so open it"I excitedly opened it and my lips fell ajar when I saw what was lying infront of me, beautifully folded was a dress, a pink Arabian floral gown with beautiful laces round the hands and edges My hands stroked it softly when i felt warm tears finding their way down my cheeks, my heart melted that instance"Ramadan" I sobbed rushing to hug him you'll always win the best brother award in the whole world I wanted to say but my tears stopped my mouth

"Shhh it's okay" he stroked my back "we received a proposal for your hand in marriage and I bought this for you to wear on that day so.... " the tears suddenly dried up if at all that was possible and I froze, i pulled myself away to look at everybody's faces and they were all full of smiles. They were my weakness my source of happiness and I'll do anything for them

"I'll meet him" I whispered against his shoulder without hesitation trying to smile but deep down i felt a mountain erupting lava and burning me down severely.

"Awwwn that's our aneees"sayf ,Ramadan and ubaid evolving me in a hug

"now please let my daughter go" mom said while dad chuckled at us all I'd do it ,I'd do it for mom,dad and these three handsome men's smiles.

The weird smell of hospital detergents and freshners bombarded my nostrils as the automatic door of the hospital opened, back again as holiday was over and here we are 3rd year but, that was not all 'my marriage proposal had to come this time ya Allah ' I thought brushing my slightly wrinkled lab coat I sighed heading towards our department neurology and neurosurgery ,I bumped into my friend Khadija telling me we got a new instructor that came from abroad I just prayed he's nice as she laughed running off to her own department.
Opening the double doors and getting seated in one of the chairs there I discovered only five of us were for neurology three men and a girl whose name i found out shortly as amira Hussain, it was 8:30am when the double doors opened again in came the strong but calm voice "assalamu alaikum...sorry guys I'm late" with an Arabic/American accent that must be our instructor I thought raising my eyes to meet the human I wouldn't mind calling an angel subhanallah he was dressed in a sky blue shirt with dark blue tie on top was a white lab coat which was gently resting against his body and suit pants, I couldn't look up cause the prophet adviced us to lower our gaze to non muharam so i stared down his black Calvin Klein shoes until i felt a nudge on my arm by amira.

I have been asked twice my name but i was lost in my own chain of thoughts embarrassment was all over my face as i managed to speak
"It's aneesah kabeer...I'm sorry Sir"

"If you want to graduate together with everybody then i think you should get your act together and concentrate before you get someone killed "he said rudely and i wished the ground will do me a favour and swallow me up I deserved it as i felt tears blurring my image oh no please don't embarrass me more than i already am

"Yes Sir...e..exc..cuse me" I said rushing to the female washroom before it gets worse, I cleaned myself and scolded my heart for being this vulnerable and i went back.

Zayn' s POV

"Paa please it's just before i take over plus the board of directors need to agree that I'm suitable for the position " i tried explaining to papa my plans of being an instructor before i take over the hospital

"Okay but just tell me if you're stressed up and I'll know what to do " he said worriedly shaking my shoulder as he smiled his eyes had wrinkles I guess i should hurry up and lessen his worries

"I'll be fine" i smiled and exited his office taking the elevator to 2nd floor where my department is.

Monday came faster than i expected but i guess five days is nothing excitedly, i salamed at my students who were just five wonderful (note the scarsm)

"My name is zayn yusuf and I am your new instructor for just your 3rd year " I smiled and thank God it was reflected also at least i got it from four people they were all dressed in their white labcoats good while miss...all white as that's what she's dressed in has zoned out
"So what are your names? " I asked flashing them a smile placing the files I was holding on the table

"Muhammad abdullah"

"Saheen khalid"

"Huzaifah sa'id"

"Amira Hussain" and silence followed

"What's your name miss?" And she doesn't even flinch "What's your name?" This time a bit louder

"It's aneesah kabeer sir " she whispered wallah students can be funny I won't tolerate that , i just ca...her eyes she was looking down but they look beautiful and brown ouff face your job I silently murmured astagfirullah.

It took all my energy to give them a 2 hours speech about the plans for the year and group them into teams for the rest of the year but miss white was alone as i put them in pairs,so i asked her to do it alone for being inattentive and letting her thoughts wonder around.

"But sir how can i..." she started looking down at her shoes

"Aneesah kabeer. . ." I yelled a bit and she looked straight into my eyes

Find out why he yelled and what happened next ?
Halah ya jama'ah 🙌🙌 do you like it? Please tell me your thoughts and press that star for me💕💕💕

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