**Gone(chapter 21) **

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Aneesah's POV

   Ramadan went to the doctor and returned with a sad face and slumped his body down the chair.

"What's wrong ?...didn't you sign the papers?" I asked him standing up all tired of this white walls and green hospital gown.

"Only a guardian can sign the discharge papers "

"They can't be serious " i limped my leg back to where my bag was and looked for my phone as soon as i unlocked the phone it dawned  on me that i don't even have my husband's phone number.

"Akhi what's your friend's number ? " i asked a bit ashsmed of myself.

"Which friend ?" He asked curiosity evident in his voice. "Your husband ? Are you serious ? " i turned with a murderous look on my face as soon as he saw it he looked through his contact list and dictated his number, i dialed his number.

"Assalamu alaikum " the voice sent a chill down my spine making me hesitate but my mind reminded 'he left you alone in the hospital in a foreign country and on your honeymoon '

" Wa'alaikum mussalam zayn it's aneesah come and sign my discharge papers " i hanged up the phone and sat down with ramadan's face full of astonishment at the monster infront of him. I lied back down on the bed feeling like ripping off the bedsheets and everything i could get in my grip.

"Aneesah habibty " Ramadan whispered stroking my now open hair. I opened it to let some air through my scalp or else my head will burst.

"Calm down... I'm sure the person infront of me is not my sister but, somebody else inside her"

"Akhi it's me and i just want to go home" i sobbed the tears I've been holding for a day couldn't keep calm anymore "please i want to go to mom"

"Okay I'll take you there don't worry okay? " he leaned down and i hugged him until my eyes felt heavy and i allowed the sleep takeover.


   I woke up to voices outside my room it was 2:30pm , i sat up and stretched my hands to pick my crotch adjusting my turban. i walked to the door and opened it. The sight infront of me broke me once again 'i  was thinking he has came back to his senses ' i saw him who was wearing a white shirt and black jeans with that stupid cousin who was wearing a pink half gown and maroon pants paired with the same colour of shaylah of his together with the doctor and Ramadan standing with them.

"Aneesah is my wife" zayn spoke angrily looking at Ramadan.

"For now she is but she's leaving with me and tomorrow because that's what she wants" Ramadan announced trying to keep calm. I moved further out when hurayrah caught my sight.

"Aneesah " she called making their  attention all turned towards me ' i feel like beheading this girl wallah'

"Habibty why are you out?" Ramadan said walking towards me holding my hands gesturing for me to go back, i stood still pretending not to understand his sign as i looked at Mr.zayn and his cousin in disgust, i walked towards them and the doctor.

"Mr.zayn I'd like you to please sign those papers so i can leave this darn place" i yelled a bit in anger as regret and guilt displayed on his face.

"Aneesah...i " he started while i raised my hands gesturing for him to stop hearing ramadan's footsteps coming towards me.

"Bitrajjak(I'm begging you) sign it" i said boldly looking straight into the eyes that once looked intimidating and beautiful.

He collected the papers and signed them one after the other throwing glances my way as soon as he finished, i turned around and hopped my way to Ramadan and pulled him back inside the room and started packing.

"Aneesah are you sure about this? He might have an expla..." Ramadan started as he stood by the exit

"No he doesn't and ask him to send my luggage home when he returns from his honeymoon Please " i uttered closing my eyes bitterly "I'll meet you at the hospital's exit after i change"

"Sure habibty" he answered weakly stop being sympathetic towards me akhi please.


Zayn's POV

    As i signed those papers i felt my blood being painted on the white sheets. I regret leaving her injured alone and on our honeymoon, i can't continue denying her of things she want and going home is what she wants and I'll give it to her. I haven't slept for a sec yesterday. Hurayrah also told me she lost control that moment and apologised immensely.

"Zayn are you sure you're making the right decision?" Hurayrah asked on our way to the resort feeling the blue sky and black road ahead turning red with anger.

"I guess" was all i could say as i gripped the wheel while hurayrah exhaled softly.

"I'm sorry zayn for all these things and I'll be leaving for the states tonight" she informed me.

"Okay "

"Zayn, please just live well with your wife and I'm so sorry i caused all this " i looked at her swiftly remembering the love of my life.

"I will and you too find yourself a handsome sheikh over there" trying to lighten the atmosphere chuckles errupted from our throats while the car took us to our destination.

   The walls of our apartment yelled at me and blamed me for not being able to take care of my wife. I opened the doors of our room and the memories of us played in my mind. Her smile, her squeal of excitement, her focused face when she's studying and even her beautiful face that shines while she sleeps safe and sound at the other end of the bed quite a decent sleeper.

You're a jerk zayn, wallah Allah will punish you for things you've done to this girl. I turned around and hurried down the stairs calling to book a ticket when i remembered our things and i hurried back again and roughly tossed all the clothes in the bags. 'I can't let you leave alone...'


"Sir aren't you comfortable? " the flight attendant asked me while i struggled with the economic class seats.

"Yeah i guess, thank you " finally settling down i dismissed her 'i know aneesah will be here, I'll wait for you habibty' just as i thought after about 5seconds i felt my head snap up and there she was looking all sick and tired with her single crotch while Ramadan pulled their bag.

   I saw her scan through the seats for hers as she saw me, she paused for a millisecond and diverted her gaze, Ramadan waved briefly at me as he pulled his sister towards the row infront of mine.

I saw her seat directly infront of me. I felt like pulling her towards me 'i miss you aneesah' 'i really do' 'please forgive me ' was the things i wanted to tell her.

"Aneesah? " i heard Ramadan called "can i at least talk to my bro...i mean friend? "

"Tafaddal (go ahead) " she whispered and slumped back against her now slightly slanted seat while the plane took off immediately.

"Assalamu alaikum zayn" Ramadan greeted me turning to give me a handshake.

"Wa'alaikum mussalam brother-in-law" accepting his handshake.

"Can i please exchange seats with you?" I asked while sympathy crossed his face as he nodded.

Assalamu alaikum friends 💕💕💕💫💫💫💫 show some love for Ramadan please. RAMADAN KAREEM❤
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