*duties(chapter 11)*

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Zayn's POV

My wife,

half my deen,

My reflection on the mirror of life,

I will hold your hands to jannah insha Allah,

Kiss your tears a forever goodbye,

Embrace your warmth and tell you I love you.

The smell of sauce,chips and pancakes travelled to my nostrils waking me up, maa and cooking I thought as my eye lids battled to open and the grey room told me I'm not in my room and it dawned on me, I'm married. I sighed and went to the bathroom to look presentable and i made my way down my stomach growling as i rubbed it.

The sight infront of me looked angelic wearing a brown maxi gown,a green apron tied around her and a black turban...i guess she feels weird letting me see her hair, she cautiously dropped the milk on the dining table which had chips, sauce,pancakes, coffee and water

Her phone rang immediately as she picked it from the kitchen table "assalamu alaikum mom" she smiled adorably missing her mom

"Yes we're fine how's dad and your boys? "

"Alhamdulillah but none of them even called me maybe they're already throwing a party " she said pouting.

"Okay mom my regards Allah Hafiz " and she hung up as i moved closer leaning against the kitchen door

"Assalamu alaikum sabahul khayr (good morning)" I uttered slightly smiling as she looked startled with my presence.

"Wa'alaikumussalam you're awake" she blushed replying shyly while removing the apron "have a seat"

"You really didn't have to cook all this " i said having some chips while she poured me coffee sitting beside me

"I...umm... didn't know what you'd like so i just thought..." she stammered i have never noticed she was this beautiful

"Thank you" I smiled while is blushed once again, i chuckled at the sight when she lifted her eyes to meet mine smiling.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked curiously munching the delicious pancakes " Or would you like me to feed you?" As soon as that left my lips i regretted it but her reaction amazed me, she looked down her hands blushing even more ,then started eating I smiled as we ate breakfast in comfortable silence. When we finished i insisted on washing the dishes even with her declining i still stood my ground.

"Aneesah we're starting work again tomorrow and Mrs hafeez, um ayman is coming tomorrow she'll help you with the house chores" I told her while i wash the dishes.

"Okay " she replied siting behind me observing my moves

"You know... i can turn around so you can get a better view" i smirk drying the dishes as i turned around spotting her scurrying upstairs like a squirrel

"I thought you wanted a view" I shouted behind her laughing. my cute squirrel

After avoiding meeting me she finally got to the kitchen before lunch and started cooking what I presume to be pasta and lemon cake for desert.
I watched her from the living room getting all busy, she was trying to mix the batter when the apron loosened, ignoring it she continued her work. My legs who don't seem to work with my brain took me behind her without acknowledging my presence i reached for the straps by her waist moving closer to her, her breath hitched as i tied it 'take it slow zayn' my mind whispered and as soon as i tied it I left her dumbfounded and went straight to my room until dinner was ready, we ate in silence and for dinner I asked her if she wouldn't mind pizza and pizza it was with a nice beverage.

"I'm sorry aneesah, I know that i confuse you but, it's for our own good" I whispered to myself wanting sleep to please come along my way when my phone rang.

"Assalamu alaikum Sadeeq what's wrong?" I sighed through the phone counting the chandelier glasses of that was possible

"Waalaikum Assalam " he laughed "if I'm interrupting romance then...."

"Do you want me to hang up?" I interrupted

"Hey cool down I brought my sister-in-law's car come get the keys I'm by the door"

"Okay I'm coming " i made my way to the entrance door slightly opening it when half his view came through

"Man am i not welcome? " he smiled cheesely stretching his arms when i saw the keys i grabbed them and uttered 'no' and closed the door

"Tell sister-in-law i said 'hy' " he shouted through the door chuckling I need new friends wallah

"Was someone at the door?" Aneesah suddenly appearing from the kitchen in her pyjama gown

"Umm... yeah i asked Sadeeq to bring your car" I gave her the keys " I thought you'd need it tomorrow morning so..." you're a disappointment zayn

"Uh..thank you " the stars in her eyes disappeared slowly "good night " she finally said going upstairs to her room.

Keep annoying the girl she'll just leave you

No, she won't, she can't

Ohh yes she can dr.zayn you'll be all alone

"Nooooo" my eyes snapped open as i did some supplications and made for the bathroom to perform abulution after i came out i made my way to aneesah's room and knocked on the door silence followed and i softly pushed the door open, she was sleeping soundly her face glowed and peace reflected her image the duvet was on her stomach, her black soft hair spread across the pillow making her look more angelic subhanallah I whispered to my self,mustering my courage I softly called her name

"Mmm"she kicked out a leg out of the duvet groaning

"Aneesah you need to pray" I softly said looking at her turn interestingly

"Zayn habiby(sweetheart) five minutes"she said in a sleepy voice as my eyes pulled out of their sockets she finally said my name + habiby I smirked happily she'll die of embarrassment today

"Aneesah your habiby can't do that " I said a bit louder as she sat up immediately her eyes widening "ahh thank God now 'your habiby' won't have to wait for 5mins " I mocked her chuckling as she turned beetroot closing her eyes.

Heeeyyy folks now press that star for Mr zayn yusuf and his wife 😍😍😍😙😙😙 next chapter coming up soon.....

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