****confession(chapter 25) ****

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Aneesah's POV

He hesitated a little looking at me with a blank look and held my hand again tracing the bracelet making me shiver under his touch.

"Aneesah "

"Umm? "

"Can i take you somewhere? " he asked keeping the bills.

"Of course " i smiled a bit curious where he's taking me.

"Shall we? " he said standing up and offering me a hand. I gladly accepted his strong yet warm hands and smiled up at him walking out the restaurant. As we were on our way to our destination i heard him call my mom telling her we were spending the night somewhere, i instantly felt my balls push out of their sockets.

"Zayn? " i asked him a bit frightened by this place we're heading "where are we going?"

"It's a suprise aneesah " he glanced a bit at me smiling then looked back towards the road.

"Oookayy~" i said unsure of myself as i saw we were leaving the city side and entering the desert.

"Zayn did you plan this all along?" I asked him, I'm sure my eyes were twinkling with admiration.

"Yes i did zawjtee (my wife)" as soon as he said that i blushed and faced the now dark brown desert which was illuminated by the beautiful full moon.

A big tent was being set up a bit further from the desert up the hill. I squealed at the sight of the candles and white tulips from the entrance to the inside.

"Oh Allah zayn" i turned and lightly hugged my husband who stood right beside me.

"I'm assuming this monkey wants to climb me" i laughed and punched him lightly on his arm earning a laughter from the handsome man.

"Let's go in, I'm sure you're eager to hear your answer" he said referring to the question i asked earlier. The night got colder as we entered the tent.

Entering inside, which was warm looked like another world with the beautiful lights and white rug, a water filled bed was visible and beside it stood a table decorated with tulips, candles and the enter of it had fruits and water.

"Subhanallah " i exclaimed fascinated " this is beautiful... i love tulips "

"Ohh that wasn't hard to find out " he paused a little "lets lie down for now and enjoy the view okay?"

"Okay that's...a good idea" i smiled keeping my handbag by the side of the big bed and loosened my hijab since i was now comfortable with letting my hair out. Lying down next to zayn on the bed he hugged me close to his heart whose beat rhymed with mine.

"Aneesah i wasn't polite and free with you because i thought it was going to be bad for you" i furrowed my brows in confusion ignoring the effect he had on me.

"I don't understand "

"Aneesah i love you" my heart made a 'pang' sound and i froze trying to interpret the meaning of the words he's uttereing.

"I have loved you since the day i met you at your charity foundation...the day you fell into my arms" the words vibrated against his chest as i felt a hot air knocking out the rest of the sense i had.

"Zayn... are you serious? " i stammered feeling his grip on me tighten.

"Yes habibty i love you so very much and i am so lucky and still thanking Allah for giving you to me "

"Is it okay if i don't share the same feeling? " i asked a bit scared of the response.

"I'll wait for that day we share the same feeling " i could sense honesty from his words.

"I love you zayn " i whispered barely breathing.

"What?" He asked sitting up a little.

"I said you have a big head" i chuckled earning a devilish smile from him "zayn! Stay away from me" i jumped up the bed while he slowly followed me still smirking and the chase began.

He finally caught me after what felt like 5mins of running, i was exhausted and dehydrated so i surrendered but, according to him, i was trapped by him so i had no choice. Which was the truth hehe.

"Aneesah hand me that jug of water" he gestured towards it on the table after our racing and laughing session. I poured him some inside a glass cup and after i had some too i decided it was fun time.

"Zayn" he turned a bit sleepy and got water sprinkled on his face. "Abracadabra!!! Dear water i order you to eat up zayn "

"Aneesah? You're not going to like this unfortunately for you that little boy who had aquaphobia no longer exist" he said proudly removing his shirt.

"Wait what's going on? " i asked closing my eyes ready to squeal.

"I'm just hot" i heard him say "you can open your eyes now Mrs zayn " i slightly opened my eyes and found him shirtless and an inch away from me. I yelled stumbling back to fall when he brought me back to him.

"Habibty calm down i don't bite" he brushed his hands through the edge of my hair.

"I'll prefer something that bites...maybe something like a vampire lady" he laughed at the position i was in and let go of me, lying back down on the bed, suprised at this smooth talker i stood motionless like a wood.

"Don't your brothers have abs?" The sudden question made me laugh hard as i sat down at the edge pushing my hair away from my face.

"You reminded me of their abs competition" i chuckled and lied down a bit more comfortable on my side of the bed.

"Ramadan had six so, the girls were drooling everytime he wears a jersey so, ubaid and sayf were jealous and decided to go gym up their body. I was the judge actually haha at last they couldn't keep up with the gym instructor so they gave up" we laughed hard until zayn broke something.

"Aneesah can you say you love me one more time?" I turned towards his face trying to see the expression on it.

"Did you..." i stopped confused.

"Yes aneesah i heard you, can you please repeat it for me? " he asked blinking cluelessly down at me, his eyes flashed a lot of emotions begging me to please grant his wish and giving me a whole lot of courage and so i did.

"I love you habiby zayn " i said them staring into the brown eyes I'll love to look at for eternity earning a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too habibty neesah " he hugged me tighter exhaling into my hair.

And it was a night worth remembering,A night better than a thousand nights and a blessed one.

"Zayn... I'll be late " i squealed struggling with my shoes.

"Calm down habibty it's just 5:40 I'm always punctual remember? I'll be out in no time " he yelled back as i leaned on the car freaking out soon he appeared with his suit hanging from his shoulder wearing his blue shades.

"Habibty shall we?" He stood by the car door removing the shades raising brow at me. I saw a worried look in his eyes but soon faded. What was wrong.

"If I'm late it's your fault " i opened the car and sat down.

"Habibty it's not my fault alone you know that right? " the moment he said that a blush found it's way to my face as he moved too closer to me while i pulled back away.

"Zayn? What are you..." he interrupted me moving closer as i stared at him.

"Stay still " he ordered then pulled my seatbelt and buckled it starting the car. I sat motionless letting out a breath of relief, He turned and looked towards me.

"What? " he asked " what was going on in your head?"

"N..nothing " i blushed again thinking about yesterday then shook the thought out of my head.

Assalamu alaikum friends i hope you like this chapter 😎😎😎 now please support my book.
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Just for you dear nadyakhan2017 for being loyal to this story 🌸💕💋🌹

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