***wifey (chapter 23) ***

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Zayn's POV

  'Love is you wanting jannah for the other person '

    After concluding prayers at the farthest mosque we could find in the neighbourhood wanting that reward the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم told us about, that each and every step to the mosque and back is being rewarded. Me,my father-in-law,Ramadan,ubaid and sayf talked on our way back explaining what happened in spain to them and my plans.

"Zayn just make sure you take away your wife from my house peacefully okay? " dad spoke soothingly.

"I surely will dad" i answered as i felt sayf's hand on my shoulder and turned towards me.

"I'm sorry for punching you " i smiled at his concern for his sister.

"I'm sorry too" ubaid added too.

"It's okay... i completely understand don't worry i would've done the same if yazeed was a girl " we all bursted out laughing as we walked home to our loved ones.


"Zayn have the soup please " mom my mother-in-law offered gesturing to it.

"Sure mom" i smiled back at her kindness noticing aneesah barely eating beside me. I guess she was forced to have this dinner by her mom, the atmosphere between her and Ramadan looks a bit tensed. I wonder what happened, i just hope it wasn't caused by me.

She stretched her hand to pick the water jug just on time Ramadan decided to have water too as soon as his hands reached the jug she retrieved her hand and excused herself to her room, a sad look painted itself on his face as soon as he saw her action, the rest of the family noticed too so, i excused myself and followed her upstairs.

"Assalamu alaikum aneesah " i said softly hearing her sobs i rushed to her sitting figure on the edge of the bed,she was wearing a red pyjama gown "What's wrong habibty?" I cupped her face while the beads of tears descend down her cheeks.

"Zayn..uh..uh" she struggled to utter "i...i "

"Go on please tell me everything habibty what's wrong ?" I sat down next to her feeling my heart wanting to rip apart.

"No one is taking me side, just nobody is even trying to understand me. Everybody is taking your side" she looked at me angrily " what did i do wrong to desrve such treatment? "

"Aneesah...i " i couldn't finish when Ramadan came in.

"Hating me was what you did wrong" he murmured, i couldn't understand what he meant by that.

"That was your fault Ramadan akhi" she said angrily standing up pushing aside my hands.

"No habibty... you know more than anybody that as a muslim you're not to hate someone unless they insult Allah, the prophet or your deen and here you are hating me for wanting your husband to be close to you"

"He's not my husband " my mouth agape it really hurts for her to say that. She turned towards me and continued " He's someone who left me injured at a hospital in a foreign country and on my honeymoon alone and took another woman's side. Do you call that a husband?" She directed the question towards a suprised Ramadan.

"Aneesah I'm sure he's sor"

"No he's not, apart from that, this man made everybody turn against me and made me lose the brother i once loved and thought will always be there for me" All what she said was completely true not a single lie was being said and just like i feared she fought with Ramadan because of me. I stood up and touched her left arm which held her crotch.

"Don't you dare touch me zayn...GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW BOTH OF YOU" she closed her beautiful eyes pointing towards the door, Ramadan's face turned into a hurtful one and vanished out while i stood there unfazed looking at her now shaking figure pitifully.

"Aneesah you can send him out but not me" i spoke calmly trying to turn her face towards me.

"Yes i can...now get out" tears flowed down her cheeks. I turned her around holding unto her shoulders.

"Aneesah sabr (patience), have you forgotten what Allah said about patience? " realization hit her that instance and she cried harder " have you forgotten that i am the person who completes half your deen? "

"Zayn...i..." she started

"Shhh..." i gently hugged her calming her shaking body " I'm so sorry aneesah, i promise not to ever repeat what i did again... i promise" slowly she nodded allowing me to pull her unto her bed and tuck her in. I removed her black turban and loosened her hair band,letting  her black long hair flow free on the pillow. All she did was look at me, I'll give you time all the time you need in this world to forgive me.

"I'm sorry for destroying our honeymoon and on top of that in spain" a single tear followed while she closed her eyes exhaling as i brushed her hair with my fingers. This is where you and i belong, together and forever. I love you aneesah

"Sleep, I'm going to have shower and I'll join you okay? " smiling softly i asked while she nodded slightly, closing her eyes once again and i placed a soft long kiss on her forehead.

Aneesah's POV

    Everything zayn said was correct, i was being irrational, lousy and irresponsible. As soon as he went inside the bathroom i blushed furiously from the effect he had on me, i felt the urge to see the person i turn to each time i have a problem; Ramadan. I disrespected him and didn't trust his decisions because i wanted him to support me and my desires, right or wrong which was improper and despicable. I picked up my crotch and exited the  room.

  I knocked on his door and no answer came.

"Akhi, are you asleep?" I whispered not sure if I'm ready to do this.

"Aneesah come in " i heard after what felt like a minute. I pushed the door and with a salam i went in, i saw him dressed in his milk coloured pyjamas standing in the middle of the room aiming me with his eyes.

"Why are you behaving like this is the first time you're entering this room" his face blank he uttered sarcastically. I found tears rushing down once again as i looked down ashamed of myself. I soon felt strong arms engulf me in a hug.

"I missed you princess" he finally said when i found my lips forming a curve.

"I'm sorry akhi" i kissed his shoulder crying hard.

"Enough of the tears now, i told dad you were still a baby not ready for marriage and look now how you're crying " he chuckled sniffing. I laughed too confused if I'm crying or laughing. It doesn't really matter...all i know is that i have my happiness back.

"Akhi ? "


"Have you forgiven me? "

"Yes habibty have i been forgiven too ?"

"Akheed (sure) " i squeezed him tightly.

"You no longer hate me? " he pulled back a little staring at me with a joker face.

"I love you " and he laughed.

"Ouch, you're hurting me" i chuckled touching my leg and Ramadan joined until we heard someone clear their voice behind us.

"Well well well so, Ramadan you're the one who kidnapped my wife?" We turned instantly towards zayn's direction,who was leaning against the door.

"How could you? " he spoke walking towards us while, we laughed at his serious face. He looked like a 60's detective.

"I'm sorry pal but, your wife was the intruder of my peace"

"Akhi~" i whined pouting when suddenly i was lifted by zayn's arms

"Zayn infront of Ramadan?" I asked hiding my red face from the already laughing Ramadan.

"He should close his eyes." He laughed and picked up my crotch. "Good night brother-in-law"

Assalamu alaikum 💃💃💃Eid mubarak ❤❤❤ friends do you like this chapter? I really hope you do 😚😚😚😚
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