*misunderstanding (chapter 15)*

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Aneesah's POV

Heartache, tears and misunderstanding it's only ten days after our wedding and this.

Stepping on the gear my house was the only place that came to mind because i can't humiliate myself by going back home to explain this childish circumstance.

" aneesah are you..." um ayman started as soon as i came into view but I headed straight to my room upstairs 'sorry um ayman I'm so sorry ' banging the door close, I took off my lab coat which suddenly felt heavy and i sat down on the bed pulling a pillow close to my hungry storage which growled painfully and cried my heart out until suddenly, my phone rang

"Assalamu alaikum habibty neesouu" came Ramadan's bold voice why did you have to call now

"Waalaikumussalam" I hesistated a bit and sniffed trying to not sound crying dropping the pillow beside me.

"Why are you crying " sounding angry and serious ya Allah please no "I'm coming over" without waiting for my own answer he hanged up, even with my constant calling he ignored me.

"Aneesah,Aneesah " zayn's voice called out for me from downstairs while i quickly locked the door "aneesah, open this door I need to talk to you " zayn commanded as he came to the door, hearing adhan (call for prayer) for asr prayer i ignored him and went to the bathroom to perform abulution as i felt his shoes' sound fading away.

Ya Allah please help me overcome your tests, please help me in trying to work this marriage, ya Allah you're the all seeing and the judge of judges, ya Allah the greatest the all mighty

I folded the sajjadah (prayer mat) and placed it aside.

"Aneesah habibty open the door"

Ramadan's voice pierced through my ears alarmingly as i walked and unlocked the door, at the sight of him another pool of tears flowed as i hugged him tight, gently removing me from his body he turned and walked downstairs while i followed him puzzled at his reaction

"You'll pay for this zayn" he yanked him by his collar from up the couch "just two days and you're treating her like this?" He uttered angrily and punched his face it hurts so much it felt like i was being punched too

"Akhi please " I rushed and removed his hands from zayn who's lips has already started bleeding "please let's just go...okay" i said softly as he calmed down and sighed

"Aneesah where are you going?" Zayn asked coming to my side

"I'll just have lunch with my brother, I'll be back " I replied guilty while he wiped the blood off his lips and nodded walking upstairs I think um ayman left thank God she didn't get to witness this, cause if she did i don't know what she'll think of me


"You should have let me break his jaw" Ramadan uttered gulping the orange juice infront of him as his eyes roamed around the street we were seated, he wanted an outdoor lunch "when we were young i thought he'll grow to be a responsible man but no, America corrupted him"

"No Ramadan it wasn't his fault...maybe I was being too emotional " I said looking down ashamed of myself for causing such a scene

"Okay, so do you want to go back...or should we go home?"Ramadan asked standing while dropping the bills

"I should go back and apologise "I said following him to the car as i was about to open the door Ramadan's hands blocked it "next time you're coming home with me if he does that " I nodded then he opened the door.

As soon as I got home i went to his room as i didn't spot him downstairs and i knocked I could swear he could hear my heartbeat through the door "You can come in " it's my first time going into the room my mouth felt ajar as i noticed how beautiful and matured the room was, it was ash and a Chandelier hung from the seeing which gave out dim light giving each and every corner of the room a beautiful feeling " are you going to stand there all day?" He enquired looking at me as if it was his first time seeing a woman by his door or maybe it is.

"Come here i want to tell you something " zayn said gesturing for me to seat beside him I gathered all my courage and sat down about maybe 10inches away.

"Aneesah" he started turning to face me" I really didn't mean to hurt you...i just was...umm" the words seemed to be lost in their track, I felt more ashamed of myself that he apologised when i was the one at fault.

"No" I suddenly said " I'm sorry i was just being selfish and..." before i could finish he said something that took me off guard and made my heart take a ride on the merry-go- round

You're my wife and i can understand if you're being selfish and if you really accept everything i say...can we be friends?

Zayn's POV

After those words left my lips she looked up immediately, looking into my eyes for the longest time so far. 'She is beautiful ' my heart kept repeating, I was so lost in her eyes that contained so many emotions sparkling through yet, I couldn't understand what it was trying to find what was happening we sat looking at each other for what felt like hours when they were mere seconds until she broke the contact slowly nodding accepting my friendship request. she suddenly remembered something.

"Umm I'm sorry i...invited Dr.Sadeeq over for dinner before asking you if ...you were okay with it" playing with the hem of her shayla

anything for you habibty

"It's okay I don't have any problem " I smiled at her shy face slightly smiling too while capturing every detail of her face.

"Thank you...i should go start preparing the dinner" she said eager to left the room as she reached the door "aneesah " I called out"can i help you?" She hesitated

"If you're not comfortable with it then it's okay " I added

"No it's fine...i just don't want you to get tired" after realising what she said she quickly added "I mean after coming back from the hospital you must be tired "

I laughed softly at her insecurities as she ran out of the room embarrassed I promise to make you happy no matter what it takes


"You know when we were kids zaynou used to have this phobia for water " Sadeeq was telling her all the embarrassing stories about me I'll surely kill him "so whenever he offended me I'll threaten him with a water gun" he concluded laughing while aneesah cried tears of laughter

"Really?" She managed to ask laughing as she held her stomach oufff this is so not my day I dropped my head on the table ignoring their presence, after finishing dinner and having desert Sadeeq finally decided to leave.

"Thank you so much for the delicious dinner" he thanked aneesah when we walked him to the exit

"You're welcome and thanks too for coming " she thanked him smiling wholeheartedly such a nice wonderful person

"Zaynou... aren't you walking me to my car?" He winked at me such an annoying psycho

"The car is right there you annoying specie and stop calling me that and leave" I was eager for him to leave

"Ohh" this isn't good "You love her that much you can't leave her for a second?" That's it... I'm killing him

"Leave you idiot " I breathed and bolted the door close, I couldn't turn around to face her cause I was really blushing when he said that. It's so embarrassing


Aren't they soo cute? Now press that star for Dr zayn and his wife Dr.aneesah💕💕💕❤❤❤❤💫💫💫💫😍😍😍😍✅✅✅😚😚😙Allah Hafiz

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