*I'm in trouble(chapter 16) *

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Zayn's POV

   I gently removed her apron as she stood still. She has been acting weird since i came home i hope i didn't do anything wrong. I brought out the plates and started setting the table.

"Ugh hy" she finally replied still motionless after i finished setting the table

"Aneesah let's eat " i smirked and took a seat on the table stretching my aching legs that went through 5 hours of standing "Okay "

She took the chair after some seconds and started serving the food not wanting to meet my gaze the whole time while i watch her with plain amusement, As she was about to take her first spoon i blocked it earning a puzzling look from her.

"Don't you think that's mine?" i muttered sarcastically pouting a bit.

"You're such a baby" she whispered looking at her soup.

" that...i am" her head snapped up hurriedly recognising she said it out loud " and so are you...now feed me the soup" she hesitantly nodded blushing as my lips curved victoriously.


" aneesah " i called her from the kitchen changing the tv channel to news"ta'aleey (come)"

"Okay " she said as i turned around watching her approach me like a clueless kitten. I pulled her down swiftly to sit next to me as she stiffened surprisingly sitting down.

"My mom wants us to spend three days at our house tomorrow " i searched her beautiful face as my eyes landed on her turban. She always puts on a turban at home "are you okay with it?"

"Umm..sure your home is also my home"

"Thanks a lot "i thanked her "aneesah " i called lifting her chin up to my gaze "I'm not ugly to an extent you can't look at me " i mocked her looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Am i ?" I pushed raising a brow, She tried looking down when i instantly raised her chin up again. "No" i  took that opportunity and pulled her turban back which revealed her beautiful black hair. She gasped looking at me suprised from my actions.

"Masha Allah "i whispered as her curls rested on her shoulders beautifully "don't ever cover your hair infront of me again. You look beautiful with it out " as those words left my lips she blushed furiously and nodded turning around covering her face. My phone rang immediately, it was a call from papa's company so i pucked it up. Suleiman uncle, dad's secretary told me that a problem had came up and papa wasn't available.

"I'll be right there" i replied  hanging up the phone, staring more intently at the beautiful soul I'll be leaving behind.

"neesah something came up I'll be right back okay? " i stroked her hair.

"Sure Allah hafeez" she prayed smiling then suddenly added.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked standing up her back still facing me. She still remembered.

"I've forgotten " i lied astagfirullah  "you made me forget it all" i mentally patted my head for such a 'romantic excuse'.

"Okay" i could picture her still blushing then, she stretched her hand, picked up her turban and disappeared upstairs. Aneesah you'll be the death of me.


"Sir I'm very sorry for calling you out at this hour" the man around his early 40s walked towards me in his arabian thobe. He had beard which always looks shiny even at the darkest hour.

"Ammy(uncle) please stop calling me sir, it's very uncomfortable " i rubbed the back of my head as i uttered slowly gesturing for ammy to sit.

"Sorry ibny" he settled then sighed " actually Mr.Claud's Secretary called me about an hour ago saying he'll  come tomorrow and the presentation and everything is not yet ready"

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