*** getting along(chapter 24)***

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Zayn's POV

    The rays of the sun flashed on my face resulting in me stretching my hand to close the curtains. i felt something holding unto my hand and something hairy on me curiosity got the best of me so, i fought to open my eyes and i was met by aneesah's beautiful sleeping face.

   She was sleeping so soundly and beautiful that i wish i hadn't fallen asleep to watch her sleep all night. Her hair spreaded across my chest while she held my right arm. She was in her purple pyjamas which lied on her curved body which entangled with mine.

I almost cursed at my phone for making noise as i quickly picked the phone without seeing the caller ID.

"Assalamu alaikum"

"Wa'alaikum mussalam zayn" sadeeq's voice hit my ear. "I'm bringing my sister-in-law her test timetable "

"Okay thank you "i whispered  patting my head for being such a genius and sending an email that ' she's back' to the school. I hanged up the phone when she groaned sleeping as she adjusted her head. How am i supposed to escape this bed without waking her up? Ya Allah!

   I slowly loosened her grip on my hand and replaced my chest with a hard pillow and tip toed to the bathroom i turned and stared at her beautiful view as i picked my Arabian thobe along the way masha Allah today is friday.

    I managed to convince aneesah to have lunch out with me after jum'ah prayer and of course with the help of the whole family. She had been avoiding me after last night which made me laugh at the thought. She looked extraordinarily beautiful today as she wore her black abayah which was designed with emerald stones. She glowed beautifully, I almost hit Ramadan while watching her earlier.

"Aneesah " i called her attention making her raise her eyes to meet mine and soon looked down.

"Sadeeq is coming later to bring your test timetable " i told her sipping my fruit juice.

"Okay But, how will the school know I'm back " looking down her snack.

"I sent them an email yesterday " and she smiled halfway.

"Thank you " she thanked me and continued having her snack.

"Aneesah? "

"Yes? "

"Have i been forgiven? " i prayed for her to say yes.

"Yes but, on that day why did you leave me at the hospital and went with hurayrah?" She spoke softly. I knew this question was coming

"I lost my mind completely, but habibty there was no other reason apart from it" i explained without an ounce of lie.

"And hurayrah..."i interrupted  her.

"There's nothing between us, i promise we just went to school together and She was the only friend and family i had but, now i have been rewarded with two" i smirked while she looked cluelessly at me.

"Sadeeq and ? " she asked

"Aneesah of course, my beautiful wife" my eyes twinkled as she laughed "thank you very much "

"For what? "

"For being born for me, for accepting me and for being beautiful each and every day of your life" i confessed looking at her blushing face. I noticed i made her speechless so, i asked if we can go back home and she approved.

Five days later

   While, Aneesah prepared for her tests i prepared towards fixing my marriage. I'm extremely happy aneesah has let go of her crotch and is now managing to walk alone on her own.

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