*the answers (chapter 8)*

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Aneesah's POV

I turned around ,he was standing there while a smile played on his lips like he had won a trophy opening his arms gesturing me to hug him, without hesitation i felt myself running towards him hugging his built frame 'zayn' as a his warmth engulfed my cold spirit,his breath fanning my neck not daring to move i stayed still feeling him smile against my hair.

It was positive

It was all a dream ahhh it was a surprising dream because i never imagined myself with him


The fear of him saying 'no' gripped me so, i decided to wait for his answers first,i noticed a missed call in the morning from an unknown contact so, i didn't bother calling back. Whoever it is will surely call back.

"Neesouu wake up I'm dropping you off today" Ramadan's voice travelled from across the door.

"I'm awake I'll be down in no time " i replied clearing my throat as istretched my legs, brother is acting cheesy these days which was really funny, carrying my weak body i entered the bathroom to freshen up and face the day ya Allah help me through this day


"I want chocolate chips pancake and latte" I insisted while Ramadan debated with me over my chocolate taste. Here we are ordering breakfast from a drive thru as that's what the cheesy brother wanted.

"Okay I'll have plain pancakes and latte too " he ordered as i watch the lady flirt with him, my brother being a spoilshow completely ignored her as i laughed

"What? You've been laughing for the last 5mins " he inquired focused on the road

"She is beautiful " I giggled finishing my breakfast.trust me it was really nice.

"Aneesah,get off" glancing at me annoyingly "Okay sorry let's forget her" suppressing my laughter i defended as i gulped down my coffee.

"Allah hafiz" I said my byes and got 'a take care of yourself back'. I checked my timetable and Alhamdulillah neurology wasn't included pheww.

The whole school was boring today or maybe i felt it was thank God I'm leaving now. A minute i am scared of his answer, what if he doesn't accept me? And the next i am eager to hear his answer. Just as i thought of that i saw him walking towards me wearing a checked blue shirt, blue jeans and Adidas sneakers, he looked a bit plain and blank then, I lowered my gaze , I slowly felt my cheeks heating up as the memory of his embrace the other day flashed through my mind screen

"Assala..." and he passed me, completely ignoring my presence.how I wished the ground could do me a favour of swallowing me but, no it had to humiliate me.

After school i went to our foundation for a meeting, i was there but my whole attention was not present so, i didn't hear a single word being said

"Aneesah?" Kabeerah one of my friends and a member of the foundation called my attention


"What are you thinking about we're asking you if you also approve of employing that Islamic teacher?" She asked adjusting her her shayla

"Absolutely I do as long as we try a teaching trial before employing him" I just want what's best for them and for them to learn more about their deen.

"Maybe you're thinking of a hottie patient of yours?" She whispered teasing me

"Astagfirullah you can utter unbelievable things plus we don't see patients " i rolled my eyes at her and whispered back

"Don't worry you'll get him if it's meant to be " she chuckled actually she was right if Allah wants it to be so shall it be

joyfully having a family chat after dinner with everybody, my mom's phone rang

"Yes ,yes ohh Alhamdulillah I'm so happy fareedah" my eyes bulged as i heard zayn's mom's name "I'm sure it'd be good on our side too Insha Allah " and she hung up, the news I heard struck me like lightening 'zayn said yes' and everybody was attentively waiting for my answer. If he was going to say yes what was the need to ignore me today?

"I accept too" i couldn't believe i said that, it just came out now i can't say no ya Allah please...
Growing up as an only girl i felt free with only my brothers, thankfully I'm not a tomboy but being with them became my hubby. After they all return from work, we play games,go out to sibling dates, or watch movies.

"Masha Allah let me call fareedah right away" mom reaching for her phone excitedly

"My little princess is getting married masha Allah I'm very proud of you" dad said hugging me happily with my brothers joining him while I sat lifeless ya Allah i ask you to please guide me, this is just too much may this marriage be the Nour that guides me through darkness and lead me to happiness.

I just can't understand him, a minute he's kind and the next he's cold and rude I just need him to be a good husband. If he can't then he can at least play the roles of my brothers.

Zayn's POV

I am so out of my mind to be thinking i want this girl...i accept my dream was positive I smiled sincerely thinking about the dream crazy girl spoiled my clothes, If you did something wrong then you should apologise...funny aneesah, I'm going to accept what Allah is giving me, that's what Allah chose for me so, I should accept it sincerely and wholeheartedly.

"Since she made you look all weird i think she's the one" Sadeeq encouraged me "if the istikhara says yes then so be it"

"Thanks man you're really the best"

"Just don't scare her okay? I know you like her but i want her to start liking you before you can love her" I twitched my brows confused " you know it might become a one sided love if she doesn't like you but, try your best to be a good husband " he spoke professionally and seriously unlike himself

I hope i could be that at least for you Aneesah

I exited his office heading to the elevator as i saw her coming, she spotted me too and instantly looked down blushing. By now her brother must've told her that i was the one that caught her from falling. She might be thinking of me badly right now or maybe thinking i stalked her.

"Assala.." she started but i quickly passed her pretending i didn't see her i know what i did was wrong I'm so sorry but, I'll need to show you the real me and not what you're thinking.

"Maa I'll marry her" I said softly to maa who was in the kitchen who was cooking dinner.

"Ya Allah Alhamdulillah finally I've made the right choice " hugging me while i fight for air. "Maa i can't breath"

"I'm calling your mother in law right away" she walked pass me happily telling dad and yazeed the good news

"Bhai I'm so happy for you " yazeed congratulated me hugging me " thanks man"

"You're now taking over a big responsibility. May Allah bless your zaynou" dad said hugging me too.

Forgive me aneesah i can't say i love you but i can't let another have you either, i wish i was better than the person i am,someone who could take care of you more than you can ever imagine...i get a feeling that if i get attached to you... you'd get bored, I know I'm being selfish but that's all i can do I'm sincerely sorry, I will do everything in my might to make you happy but i can't do that without your help...ya Allah help me.

Awwn my poor babies 😢 wish you all the best...now press that star for zayn and aneesah's marriage if you're in approval 😚😚😚😚❤❤❤

Dedicated to astrakolo for the constant support ❤

Peace Worth Waiting For (Completed )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora