The 7 Boys

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After a half hour,Uncle Bang parked his car in front of this building that was about 10 storeys high and got out of the car.While my mother and I were getting out of the car,he said proudly,"This is my company,BigHit Entertainment." "Here I choose young,talented men who can sing,dance and more and put them into boy groups,I'm sure Kristin would like them since she's into Kpop."he said." "BTS is the group that I'm currently working with, I'm sure you've heard of them."he said to me. "I've heard my friends talking about them,but I don't know them at all."I responded in an interested tone of voice.

Then,he led us into the building that seemed very busy,workers were scrambling about everywhere.We took the elevator that led us to the third floor."Here is where you'll be most of the time and here is one of the many dance rooms that BTS practice in, they're practicing right now."he said.

"I'm going to show your mum what her job is about so feel free to watch BTS practicing their new chorography,you'll love it!"he yelled while going into another room.
Since I was bored,I decided to watch this boy group dance.

As I gently pushed the metal door open,loud music filled the room as seven boys danced in sync to it.My brown eyes were glued to their dance moves as I quietly sat onto a wooden chair.I was amazed how clean their  moves were and how they moved so in sync! Uncle Bang was right,they're really talented!

Suddenly,the song ended,I raised up from my seat and clapped loudly."Well done,that was truly amazing,I'm speechless!"I said to them.They turned around and bowed to me,I did the same.

"Hello,thank you so much,I'm Kim Namjoon,leader of this group,BTS,who are you?"a handsome young man said while putting his hand out for a handshake."Hello,your welcome,my name is Kim Kristin,niece of Bang Pd."I kindly responded while shaking his sweaty hand."Oh,nice to meet you Kristin,your uncle talks a lot about you."he said with a wide smile on his face.Suddenly,the other six members started introducing themselves to me.

They are so handsome and kind!They're very joyous people,their smiles are brighter than the sun.

The last member to introduce himself was the youngest,as Namjoon explained to me."Hello,nice to meet you Kristin,I'm Jeon Jungkook,the maknae or youngest of this group."he said with a pleasant,warm smile on his face as he put his hand out for a handshake.

Kristin POV
Awe,he's so cute,he looks like a little bunny,I laughed to myself as I shook his hand.His veins oh my goodness,so attractive,I silently whispered.I saw him looking directly into my eyes so I did the same.He's so handsome...ah
End of Kristin's POV

Jungkook POV
While I was shaking Kristin's hand,I looked deep into her eyes then she looked into mine...Ah she's so beautiful,the way her long hair is parted...ah.But I can't fall in love now, that's Mr.Bang's niece,also he won't allow it...I silently let out a sigh and let go of her soft hand.
End of Jungkook's POV

"Ah so you've finally met!"Uncle Bang said as he entered the large practice room along with my mother."Yes, we're looking forward to seeing each other more often."BTS and I said in sync,as we all watched each other confused."Yes you'd see each other more often,but we need to go for now."Uncle Bang said.We all bowed at each other again and my mother, Uncle Bang and I left the room.

As we were making our way outside the building and into the car,Uncle Bang suddenly remembered that he forgot his phone on the third floor so he asked me to go get it for him.I nodded and quickly got into the elevator and pressed the a button which took me to the third floor.I went into his office and started searching for his phone.

Two minutes later,I found it and hurried back outside.Due to how fast my legs were moving forward,I suddenly bumped into someone and Uncle Bang's phone fell to the hard ground."Ah, I'm so sorry."I said immediately."It's fine."a familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw Jungkook who picked up Uncle Bang's phone for me."Thank you so much,I'm sorry,I'm really sorry!"I said sadly while I bowed to him.He bowed at me and laughed,"Haha,it's okay,it happens,be careful next time." 'Faster then lightening',I ran out of the corridor,into the elevator and into the car.

During the car ride,I felt to 'bury my head in the sand!'I felt really embarrassed for not looking where I was going and bumping into Jungkook.

Finally,we got home,then I took a long shower and after went to bed."Tomorrow I'll get into a good college so I can finally settle down here and make friends."I thought before falling asleep.

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