What's Happening To Me?!

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A few minutes later we arrived at my house.It seemed like someone was home because the gates were wide opened,we drove in.

Jungkook then ran to my side and opened the door for me.I smiled at him and came out of the car and then we walked upstairs."Kristin...Jungkook?"someone said in confusion.

I looked up and saw Uncle Bang with a few documents in his left hand.Quickly,I ran up to him and hugged him tightly while crying my heart out on his chest."What's wrong Kristin?"he questioned while stroking his hands through my hair.I couldn't even speak,I was still a little bit traumatized by the disturbing incident.

Jungkook then explained to him what happened to me.After he was done with explaining,Uncle said in an upset tone of voice,"Why is Kara back,what does she want?!"

I just couldn't take it anymore,I suddenly ran upstairs to my room.I fell flat onto my bed making it messy then sank my teary face into my bed's mattress. The incident kept replaying in my head,I was in deep confusion.

Kristin's POV
How do Jungkook and Kara know each other?Were they in a relationship in the past?What happened between them?Why is Kara saying that I'm taking away her property from her?Is her property Jungkook?So many questions kept running through my bewildered mind.Suddenly I heard someone knocking softly on my bedroom door.'Faster than a cheater',I wiped my tears that were streaming down my face.
End of Kristin's POV

The wooden door opened slowly revealing a concerned Jungkook."Hey,how are you feeling now,wanna talk?"Jungkook enquired."Hey,I'm fine now, thanks,yes,I really need someone to talk to someone right now."I said with a smile."I know you're not okay,Mr.Bang said that this is the first time you've got kidnapped,I know you're traumatized and afraid."he said.I nodded positively and began to interrogate Jungkook.

So how do you know Kara?I asked."Okay,here's a little story."he said.

Jungkook's story
So Kara was the girlfriend of my best friend Justin when lived in New York.They were happy together until Justin and her began to hang out with me,when they moved to South Korea.I found that Kara was getting too close to me, closer than a friendship.One night,they were hanging out at my place, Justin went to buy us food and left Kara and I alone home.She tried to kiss me but I quickly moved away from her indicating that I wasn't interested.A few days later,she claimed that her best friend stole her boyfriend from her and I was the only one that could cure her pain.That's when I left for Seoul from Busan,to audition as an idol,she said I abandoned her,we haven't contacted each other since that.Seems she was really angry,I can't believe she thinks I'm hers.
End of Jungkook's story

"Wow."I said in disbelief."Well I was her best friend,until she accused me of stealing her boyfriend,I just tripped on something and Justin helped me up,she claimed I attempted to kiss him."I said in between sobs."This is becoming a major problem,she tried to kill you!"Jungkook said angrily.

"I'll make sure you're okay,I don't want to see anything happen to you,I don't want our past bothering our present."he said concerned.Then,I hugged him tightly and cried on his chest.

Suddenly,my room door opened,Uncle Bang came into my room. I quickly broke the hug and wiped my tears."Kristin...oh sorry to disturb but I've informed the police of  your kidnapping and they arrested Kara and her guards!"he said happily."Also,I don't think you'll be able to go to college this week so you'll start next week."he said."And Jungkook,we gotta go to work now."Uncle Bang laughed.We nodded and smiled and Uncle Bang left my room.

"Well,I'll get going, I'll see you again whenever you decide to come to  BigHit."Jungkook smiled."I'll come soon,thanks for saving and comforting me today Jungkook."I said happily while giving him a big smile.He then left the room.I looked out my large bedroom window and watched him drive off.

After he left my heart started beating like crazy.I was really elated,but I didn't know why.I kept smiling to myself.What's happening to me?

Jungkook's POV
When I left Mr.Bang's house my heart felt as if it was about to jump out of my chest.I was engulfed with happiness.What's happening to me?
End of Jungkook's POV

*Time Skip,a few hours later*
Finally my mum and uncle came home.My mother rushed to me and gave me a long hug and enquired if I was okay.I nodded positively and we all sat at the table for dinner.The room was filled with the wonderful aroma of tasty food.

After eating a lot,I wished everyone a good night then headed to my room.I was really sleepy so I immediately got into my sleeping position and turned off the lights.Suddenly,as I was about to close my eyes,I heard my phone vibrate.I unlocked my phone and saw a message from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Goodnight have a great one:-)

Me: Goodnight same to you:-) <3

OMG DID I JUST ACCIDENTALLY SEND JUNGKOOK A HEART EMOJI!?!?I can't even delete it,he already saw it!!!Well done Kristin.

Me:Omg I'm so sorry for sending you that heart emoji!I did it by accident!

Jungkook: It's okay,lol<3

Did I 'accidentally' send it?!I laughed, what's wrong with me?!OMG DID HE JUST SEND A HEART EMOJI BACK TO ME?!?!Why am I freaking out?! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!

Jungkook's POV
Omg,she sent me a heart emoji?!Wait, it's probably an accident...why did I get excited?! What's happening to me?!She replied back saying it was an accident,my heart sank,why though?I then sent an 'it's okay 'along with a HEART EMOJI?! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!
End of Jungkook's POV

We said goodnight to each other and I switched off my phone happily but I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation.What's happening to me?!

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