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Jungkook's POV
I slowly opened the room door and the doctors came out of the room to give us some privacy.Kristin was still unconscious,she looked so peaceful.I caressed her hair and gave her a soft peck on her pale lips.
End of Jungkook's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt pressure on my lips."Jungkook?!"I questioned.His eyes lit up in 'no time'.He hugged me tightly and let out a soft sigh."What am I doing in the hospital?"I said while looking around me,I couldn't remember anything."You fainted."a concerned Jungkook responded."What caused me to faint?"I enquired."I don't know as yet,we'll find out soon,don't worry."Jungkook said calmly.Soon,the others came into the room.

"Honey!"my mother said worriedly."How are you feeling now?!"she enquired.I accepted her hug as I nodded and told her that I was feeling a little bit better.The door then flew open,it was the doctor."What happened to Kristin doc?!"Uncle Bang asked."Everything is okay with her."the doctor replied.We all sighed in relief."But."the doctor continued.My heart 'dropped like rocks'."Congratulations to you two, you're expecting in nine months,she's pregnant."he smiled and congratulated Jungkook and I.We all gasped in disbelief.

Jungkook and I looked at each,his hand flew to my stomach.Everyone was looking at us.I'm dead...so dead!!! "Congratulations sweety!"my mother said in excitement.That was not the reaction I expected from her, pregnant before marriage was a big thing in our family.Uncle Bang hugged me and congratulated us."I'm gonna be the best grandmother ever!"my mother boasted."And they're gonna be the best young parents ever!"my uncle added.

I did not expect these kind of reactions,I thought I was gonna get killed by my mum and uncle."Don't let her worry much about anything,it'll affect the baby."the doctor said."Don't worry,I'll take great care of her!"Jungkook said as he smiled at me. Everyone left the room leaving Jungkook and I alone in it.Jungkook passed his hand across my stomach."Look what I've done,oops."Jungkook said."Aren't you happy?"I asked sadly."Of course I'm happy,I'm gonna be a dad!"Jungkook shouted."I got scared for a second."I laughed.

"Someone's gonna be a mom,the best one ever."he said as he as he pecked my lips,I nodded and smiled."I wanna tell the whole world that I'm gonna be a dad!"Jungkook said happily."Awe."I said as I ruffled his hair."Thank you for giving me so much happiness."he smiled."No,thank you."I smiled back."I wasn't speaking to you,I was speaking to the baby!"he laughed as he pointed my belly,I faked cried."No,I'm kidding I'm talking to my one and only baby."Jungkook said while pressing his forehead onto mine.I laughed and hugged him.

"Now I have an excuse to stay home and cuddle with you!"he laughed.I shook my head from side to side and laughed."Sorry to disturb you two but the doctor says Kristin can go home today."a shy Taehyung informed.Jungkook nodded and left the room,"I'll be right back,I'm gonna get you discharged."he said and kissed my hand.

Kristin's POV
Happinesses was what I wanted after all those problems.This is the happiness I got,I'm so thankful for it.Seeing that smile on my Jungkook's face,after hearing that I'm pregnant,made my day.We're gonna be the best young parents ever! No one can part us now...no one...
End of Kristin's POV

A few minutes later,Jungkook came back to the room,along with a nurse.Jungkook and the nurse helped me get off the bed.Jungkook bowed at the nurse and thanked her.He held my hand as we walked out for the room and down the hospital's corridor.We walked to the parking lot, where the BMW was parked.Jungkook helped me get in,when everyone was seated,we drove home.During the car ride,Jungkook kept saying how happy he was to become a dad.Finally,we arrived home.

We went upstairs and into my room.I took some comfortable clothing from my closet and went to the bathroom to change into it.As I was about to close the door,Jungkook stopped me by holding back the door with his foot."I need to help you."he said."Why,I can do it myself!"I laughed."No,you're pregnant did you forget!"he said while face palming himself."When someone is pregnant they can still do things you know!"I laughed."I know but."Jungkook said as he tried to come into the bathroom."Yah!"I said while pushing him outside.I laughed to myself and changed.

I came out of the room and saw a smirking Jungkook standing in front of the door.I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed.Jungkook sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders,"From now on,I'll take care of you!" "You're not going to skip work just to take care of me,okay?!"I told him."Yes I'm gonna."he said."They're maids for a reason Jungkook!"I reminded him."So,I wanna take care of you,Mr.Bang would understand."he laughed."Okay,okay!"I smiled.

I rest my head on his chest,he passed his fingers through my hair,"You wanna know something baby,I love your mother a lot,she's my life."he said while whispering to my stomach."Jungkook!"I laughed to myself."You wanna know something baby,I love your father very much,he's my everything."I whispered and looked and my stomach.Jungkook and I laughed at our silly selves."The world's craziest parents,Kristin and Jungkook everyone!"he laughed.I rolled my eyes and laughed,my phone suddenly rang.I picked up my phone from the bedside table and answered it.It was Anisa.

*On the phone*

Anisa:Hey,I heard of the great news!

Congratulations to you guys!

Me:Thank you!

Anisa:No problem,you two are gonna be great parents!

Me:Sure right!Enjoy the rest of your evening,bye!

Anisa:Same to you,bye!

*End of call*

"Anisa said congratulations!"I told Jungkook.He smiled and embraced me into a hug,"Thank you for everything babe."he said while looking deeply into my eyes,I smiled and hugged him tighter."Let's go eat now!"he said happily.I nodded and we made our way downstairs.Jungkook being the overprotective boyfriend,carried me bridal style downstairs."You know I can walk right?!"I laughed."Yes,I know,I'm just taking care of you."he smiled.He pulled out a chair for me and put me on it.

"World's best couple!"Jimin oppa shouted.We smiled and ate our dinner.After we ate,we made our way to his room.I jumped onto the bed and let out a big sigh."Be careful babe!"Jungkook shouted in concern."That's why I have to take care of you."he said as he joined me on the bed after taking off the lights."Goodnight little baby."he said while passing his hand over my stomach."And goodnight to my big baby."Jungkook said as he pecked my cherry red lips.We soon drifted into a deep slumber.

Kristin's POV
Happinesses was what I wanted after all those problems.This is the happiness I got,I'm so thankful.My own little family,Kristin,Jungkook and our baby.Can happiness stay with us forever?!
End of Kristin's POV

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