Whatever Makes You Happy

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I woke up terrified,I had a nightmare.I dreamt that Uncle Bang broke my relationship with Jungkook,I don't want that dream to become reality! Slowly and forcefully,I came out of bed,I felt sick for some reason,I went to the bathroom and did my business.Was 'the world spinning',or was I just feeling dizzy?I sat on my bed and 'took some time to breathe'.I called Jungkook and told him my situation,he quickly came to my room.

"What's wrong,are you okay?!"he panicked.I nodded half way as he fed me some lukewarm water.I felt a little bit better,I then lay in bed."Get some rest."a concerned Jungkook told me.I nodded and Jungkook kissed my forehead and went outside.I stared at the ceiling above me,I couldn't fall back asleep.I kept wondering about Uncle Bang's reaction when we tell him that Jungkook and I are dating,I was 'scared like a mouse'.

Since I couldn't fall back asleep,I went downstairs for breakfast,I 'felt as if I haven't eaten in years'."Good morning."I said restlessly.Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw me walking down the stairs,I came downstairs instead of resting.I pulled out the chair next to him and sat.The maid then served me breakfast and I greedily ate it,I 'cleaning the plate'.Jungkook laughed and whispered,"Someone's hungry."I got annoyed.

When I was done eating,I went upstairs.I entered my room and fell flat on the bed,face down.I heard the door close,I was too lazy to get up and check who it was."What's wrong,why did you leave without me?"Jungkook asked.I slowly lifted my face up and shrugged my shoulders."I know there's something wrong,what is it?"Jungkook questioned as he sat beside me."I'm feeling unwell today,I'm afraid,what if Uncle Bang doesn't accept our relationship?!"I sniffled.

"He would,he won't dare to make his niece sad."Jungkook said as he tilted my chin upwards.I smiled and hugged him.He was my cure for everything,whenever I was sad,he made me 'the happiest girl alive'."So what are we going to do today?"Jungkook asked."I'm not in the mood."I said to him as I protruded my lower lip into a sulky pout."Awe,you're so cute!"he said as he pinched my cheeks,I smiled sweetly.

"Let's go out,you'll feel better!"Jungkook excitedly suggested."No,I would love to but I want to tell Uncle Bang about us first."I said,Jungkook nodded.Suddenly,I got a call.Jungkook picked up my phone from my dressing table and handed it to me.I looked at the caller ID,I quickly answered it.

*On the phone*

Me:Hey Anisa.

Anisa:Hey,what are doing tonight?

Me:Um,I'm not sure yet,what's wrong?

Anisa:Oh,my parents are going out tonight and I don't wanna stay home with Amalia unnie so I was wondering if I could stay over at your house tonight?

Me:Oh,I'm not sure as yet but I'll inform you when I find out.


Me:No problem,bye.

*End of call*

"Who was that?"Jungkook questioned."Anisa."I replied."What does she want?"Jungkook enquired.I told him her condition,he looked disappointed."Ugh,why does everyone have to interrupt us!" "Awe!"I laughed."Well get some rest,I'll wake you up when we are going to tell Mr.Bang."Jungkook said.I nodded and smiled,then he left the room.I turned on my television and watch some Kdramas to past time.I began feeling sleepy and soon fell asleep.

*Time skip,4:30 p.m*
"Babe,wake up."someone whispered.I woke up to Jungkook in front of my face.I gave out a big yawn before getting up."I think it's time to tell Me.Bang,go get ready."Jungkook spoke.I nodded and he waited outside my room.I quickly got dressed into something casual but comfortable and went outside.I felt as if my 'legs were made out of jelly',it was shaking like crazy."Don't worry,let's hope for the best."Jungkook said as he held my hand.I called my mother and told me to meet her in Uncle Bang's room.

We walked to his room and Jungkook knocked loudly and bravely on his bedroom door.The door finally opened,Uncle Bang had a surprised look on his face."What are you guys doing here?"he asked curiously."I need to tell you something."Jungkook told him.He nodded and we entered the room,my mother then came in."What's all this about?"my mother asked."Okay so I'm gonna tell you something that we've been hiding from you,I feel it's time to do so."I said nervously.Uncle Bang and my mother nodded and listened attentively.

I took a deep breath and said,"Jungkook and I are dating."My mother's eyes widened."I know you may not like this but we really love each other and I hope you would understand us."Jungkook said nervously."We've been dating for 6 weeks,that explains why we always go and come upstairs together for dinner."I said while I was 'shaking like a leaf'.

"I'm disappointed in you guys."Uncle Bang and my mother said in sync.My heart 'dropped like rocks',it never beated so fast before."But,we'll accept your relationship under one condition."Uncle Bang said with a serious face.My face immediately lit up when I heard those words."What is it,we'll do anything!"Jungkook said."If you can keep your relationship and your identities a secret from fans and other people,that'll be great."Uncle Bang requested."I agree,but Kristin you know you can tell me anything,you don't have to be afraid,you guys look so cute together!"my mother exclaimed.

I 'couldn't believe my ears',"Am I hearing correctly?!"I shouted in disbelief."Yes,quite correct,I have no problems with you guys in a relationship,if it was someone else I would,but it's my niece and I want to see her happy so no problem at all!"he said excitedly.I was 'jumping for joy',I then hugged my uncle and mother tighter than ever."Thank you so much!"I said after breaking the hug."Whatever makes you happy,will make me happy!"Uncle Bang smiled at us.

"But remember,if any information is leaked about you two,there'll be a big problem so be careful."he said.We agreed and thanked them once more."Oh,Anisa will be coming over here tonight because her parents are going out."I informed them.They nodded and we left the room.We opened the door and saw 6 curious people leaning on the wall.

"Hyungs,what are you doing here?!"Jungkook laughed."There's no time to ask that,what did Mr.Bang say?!"Namjoon oppa enquired.We gave them a thumbs up along with bright smiles."Thank goodness!"Taehyung oppa sighed in relief.We were all 'filled with joy',I hugged Jungkook tightly."Now we can do this anywhere we want to."Jungkook said as he pecked my cherry red lips."You guys are so cute!"Hoseok oppa exclaimed.We smiled and went to my room.

"Where are we going tonight?"Jungkook asked."Hmm,I wanted restaurant food for the longest time so could we dine in a restaurant?"I asked kindly."Whatever makes you happy!"Jungkook smiled."Okay,I'll call Anisa and ask her if she wants to join us."I said.Jungkook nodded and went to his room to change.I called Anisa and asked her if she wanted to join us,she was happy to do so.I showered and changed into something seductive yet comfortable and casual.I waited for Jungkook to finish dress,he soon did.

"Jimin hyung wants to join us since Anisa is going."Jungkook laughed.I smiled and said,"Okay,so we have a double date!"After talking,we informed the others,my mother and my uncle that we were going out.When we were done,we made our way to Jungkook's car and drove to Anisa's house.We picked her up and went to the fancy restaurant.

We ordered what we wanted and waited patiently for it.I was seated next to Jungkook,of course and Anisa was seated next to Jimin,they would make a great couple! Finally,our food arrived,I ate hungrily,Jungkook and I fed each other.After satisfying our hunger,we paid the bill and went to the parking lot.

Jimin POV
Anisa looked so good tonight,in that short,black dress,I couldn't stop staring at her.We were walking to Jungkook's car when a strong breeze blew.I could see her shivering,she crossed her arms and rubbed them to make her warm.I took off my jacket and offered her it.Surprisingly,she smiled and wore it,she mouthed a 'thank you',I smiled back.On our way home,she fell asleep.Her head rested on my right shoulder,I didn't dare to move it,she was sleeping so peacefully.
End of Jimin's POV

"Did you enjoy the night babe?"Jungkook asked,I nodded and smiled."Thank you!"I said happily."Whatever makes you happy,whatever makes you happy!"Jungkook smiled and held my hand.I was so happy my mother and Uncle Bang accepted our relationship,all our problems disappeared one by one,I hope the wouldn't come back one by one...

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