Secrets And Lies

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We went downstairs for dinner and sat at the table that everyone were seated at already,except Jungkook and I.We quickly sat down when my mother spoke,"I thought you were not hungry?"she asked Jungkook."Oh I started to feel hungry so I came down also,it would've been incomplete without me."he smiled.We ate deliciously and them everyone went to their rooms after wishing each other a good night.

Jungkook and I walked upstairs,hand in hand.I felt so happy,so blessed,so loved.I didn't know why he liked me,I'm not anything special.We approached our rooms closer,Jungkook then kissed me on the forehead."Good night my beauty,sleep tight."he smiled."Good night my beast,you too,I love you."I said while giving him a warm hug."Awe,she loves meeee!"he smiled happily and laughed."I love you too."he then broke the hug and we entered our rooms.

I walked into my tidy room 'smiling from ear to ear',I was filled with joy.I sat onto my bed and waited a few minutes for Jungkook to call me like he always does,but he didn't call.I decided to call him,he immediately answered.

*On the phone*

Jungkook:Babe I miss youuuuu*he fake cried*

Me:So why didn't you call me?

Jungkook:I wanted to show you that I can listen to you.

Me:Awe,my boy is changing his ways for me!

Jungkook: Anything for you,what are you doing?

Me:Talking to you!

Jungkook: Besides that?

Me:Nothing miss,missing you.

Jungkook:Haha,my babyyyy.

Me:Our rooms are literally next to each other but still we're talking over the phone.

Jungkook:Ohh,you want me to come over.

Me:No- before I could've speak,he ended the call.

*End of call*

Then,the door opened widely,it revealed a smirking Jungkook.I was about to push him outside but he pushed me away and closed the door behind him.He pinned me to the door and stared deeply into my soul,he had a serious face on."W-what are y-yoi doing?"I asked him stuttering in shock.

"J-jungkook."I stuttered.He bursted out laughing,I was confused."I'm not going to do anything as yet!"he laughed."As yet...?"I questioned.Jungkook nodded and he sat on the bed,he patted his lap,I then sat on his lap."You scared me!"I yelled.He laughed then he spoke,"So I wanna go on a date with my girlfriend."he whispered into my right ear.I smiled and asked him when."Tomorrow evening,7 p.m, don't worry I'll tell Mr.Bang and your mum that we are going out with the other hyungs."he said.I hated the idea of lying but I nodded in agreement,I was 'bubbling with excitement'.

Jungkook then pressed his forehead onto mine."Please don't leave me."he said sadly."Why would I leave you,I will never."I said softly."Okay,time to leave,someone may see us!"I yelled while getting off his lap and pointing at the door."I'm staying here."he said.He laughed and said he was just kidding,he said goodnight to me and left my room.I took off the lights and went to sleep,I forget I had school tomorrow.

It was already morning,the night went fast.I did my usual morning stuff and headed to school.There,Anisa was waiting for me,my bodyguards helped me safely cross the road.

Anisa's POV
I saw a white Mercedes Benz pull up in front the compound,Kristin got out the car and some men who looked like bodyguards helped her cross the busy road.Why did she have bodyguards?Those bodyguards look familiar? Aren't those the men I saw at the mini BTS concert the other day?Why are they helping Kristin?Who is Kristin?Is she way...does she know...NO WAY...
End of Anisa's POV

I wished Anisa a good morning and we headed to class after the bell rang.The first half of the day went so fast,'faster than lightening' the bell just rang for lunch.Anisa,Amalia unnie and I went to the the crowded cafeteria to buy lunch as we always do.

Anisa's POV
All during my classes,I was thinking about what I saw this morning...Does she know them?How does she know them? I'm sure I saw correctly,I'll just ask her.
End of Anisa's POV

As I was about to stick my fork into my fries that was drowned in ketchup Anisa spoke."I have a question."she said.I asked her what was it and she asked,"How do you personally know BTS?" I was shocked by her sudden question."W-what do y-you mean?!"I said as my voice cracked in between. Anisa lowered her voice,"I saw BTS' bodyguards escorting you that morning,I'm sure I saw correctly." I was speechless,words couldn't come out of my mouth."Umm,I'm s-sure you s-saw incorrectly."I stuttered."Kristin, please tell me nothing more than the truth,WHO ARE YOU?!"she raised her voice.

I took a deep breath in and said,"I'm Bang PD's neice." "OH MY GOODNESS,WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!"Anisa exclaimed,her unnie was in deep shock as well.Everyone in the cafeteria stared at the shocked girl,she then apologized."Omg,now I can meet BTS in person!"she whispered.I regretted what I just said,I'd be in deep trouble with Uncle Bang,sigh.The bell just rang to end lunch,thank goodness,I'm saved.We quickly finished eating and headed to class.

After three boring periods of History,school was finally dismissed.Quickly,I made my way out of the building,so I wouldn't have to face Anisa.I jumped into the car and went home.As we drove into the garage,I saw Uncle Bang's car parked there,I 'shivered in fear'.I didn't want to go upstairs but I had to.As I walked upstairs,someone back hugged me."I've missed my baby,how was school love?"my boyfriend asked.I didn't respond,I didn't hug him back either.Jungkook turned me around to face him and asked me what was the matter.I explained everything to him,I was really worried.I rest my head on his chest as he stroked my hair.

"Should I tell Uncle Bang or keep it a secret?"I asked him."You should tell him before things get worse,I don't want you to get in trouble babe."he said.I nodded and hugged him."Go change into some comfy clothing and then tell him."he told me.I did what he said and took a deep breath as I exited my room."I'll be watching from upstairs,don't worry,he kissed my forehead and I went to Uncle Bang's room.I walked slowly to the direction of his room and knocked on the door softly when I got there.He opened the door,as I saw him,I got even more afraid.

"Hey, what's the matter Kristin?"he smiled."I will like to tell you something important."I said nervously.He let me into his room and he sat on a chair while I remained standing.I told him everything that Anisa asked me,his eyes opened wide.When I told him what I told her,his eyes opened even wider.I was 'scared for my life' I wish Jungkook was here,I'd feel more comfortable.Uncle Bang quickly got up from his seat and exclaimed,"Why did you say that,I told you not to mention anything about your life!" Tears streamed down my worried face as I trembled in fear,I wondered what would happen next."Kristin,I understand your situation but,you shouldn't have told her."he said.

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